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Hi Illusion,


Thanks so very much for the update. We are well aware of the automatic update issue and thus the recommendation to use https. That's another one of those MAC specific networking issues which is not the same as Windows/Linux.


With kind regards,



My ISY locked up on me for the first time in history yesterday. I was accessing it remotely using the MobiLinc app for my iPhone and it stopped responding. When I got home the PWR and MEM lights were on and the ISY was non-responsive. After re-boot and export of the log file I see this:

0 CLI-WBu Mon 2010/05/10 12:19:22 PM System -140005

0 null Mon 2010/05/10 07:12:31 PM System Start

0 /CONF/E Mon 2010/05/10 07:12:28 PM System -110022

0 /CONF/A Mon 2010/05/10 07:12:28 PM System -110022

0 /CONF/F Mon 2010/05/10 07:12:28 PM System -110022


Just thought you would like to know as up until this event, my ISY has never had a stability issue ever.


Hi Illusion,


Apologies for the inconvenience. This issue has been reported twice and in all cases it involves MobiLinc. We are going to aggressively try find the root cause and rectify as soon as possible.


I would appreciate it if you could (if you remember) outline the steps that were taken before the crash.


With kind regards,



I was just browsing around. I was showing someone at work how I could access my home remotely. I was not changing anything. Just going to the t-stat pages, the favorites, and the device list and looking at device states.


Things are going well with 2.7.15 but I saw your question about gigabit switches. I installed one a few weeks ago and now get error reports when homeseer plugin trys to determine the ISY log level. Not a big deal but it did start when I installed gigabit switch.


Since moving to this version, my program that turns my landscape lighting and porch lights off at night seems to fail about every other time. Both the porch and landscape lights are still on, so its not like its communicating to one and noth the other. They are two separate devices on total opposite ends of the house.Prior to this version, I don't ever recall this being a problem.

       Time is Sunset  +  4 hours 

       Set 'Front/Landscape' Off
       Set 'Back/Porch' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Should I be doing this differently? or how can i troubleshoot this?


Hello hart2hart,


Can you tell me what errors specifically? Thanks so very much.


Hi mcmcomput,


Can you tell me the model/firmware version (as reported by the Admin Console) for these devices? Also, are they in any other scenes?


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


Is Gigabit somehow significant? I am just about to upgrade to a Gigabit switch to improve my Mac to Mac transfers ... should I anticipate problems with my ISY? I have a TrendNet GreenNet 8-port Gig switch if it makes any difference.






Hi Simon,


I do not think you are going to have any problems. There has been 3 reported system crashes using 2.7.15 and they all have two things in common a) a Gigabit switch and b)MobiLinc. We are trying to figure out whether or not these are causes or just coincidence.


With kind regards,



Hi mcmcomput,


Thanks. Have you tried Scene Test to see if the devices respond properly. If not, can you tell me what type of devices are these and the firmware version as reported by the Admin Console.


With kind regards,


Hello hart2hart,


Can you tell me what errors specifically? Thanks so very much.





I thought the issue was resolved by a power cycle of the ISY but it still shows up a couple times each day. Here it is directly from the HS log ....

5/17/2010 6:04:04 PM ISY Insteon COMM: ISY configuration failed to get current log level.

Hello hart2hart,


Not being able to get the log level is not very serious. Do you have any other types of errors or loss of communications?


With kind regards,



No. It is not a problem. Only mentioned it because of questions about gigabit switches.




If I "fade up" a RelayLinc (any version I have) the RelayLinc turns on as expected, the ISY recognizes the event, and can run programs based on that, but the ISY incorrectly shows the device status as 'Off' Still.


The reverse is true for a "fade down" event.


So I can cause an event that the ISY is aware of and where the status of a device is incorrect. Bug?


Hi Illusion,


A Fade (change) must be followed with a Fade Stop before the ISY updates the device statuses.




       On Mon, Wed, Fri
       Time is 11:20:00AM

       Set Scene '~Basement Lights' Fade Down
       Wait  5 seconds
       Set Scene '~Basement Lights' Fade Stop

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')







If I "fade up" a RelayLinc (any version I have) the RelayLinc turns on as expected, the ISY recognizes the event, and can run programs based on that, but the ISY incorrectly shows the device status as 'Off' Still.


The reverse is true for a "fade down" event.


So I can cause an event that the ISY is aware of and where the status of a device is incorrect. Bug?




I am talking about physically changing the switch. I press the button on my RelayLinc. If I hold the switch down, the device turns on as expected, but the ISY still thinks the device is off.


I have had programs that run based on the local 'fade' up of a RelayLinc. They work fine, but I never noticed before today that when I turn those devices on via holding down the switch that the device state is incorrectly reported in the ISY.


Oh; a good one for the programmers.


Thank you, Rand




I am talking about physically changing the switch. I press the button on my RelayLinc. If I hold the switch down, the device turns on as expected, but the ISY still thinks the device is off.


I have had programs that run based on the local 'fade' up of a RelayLinc. They work fine, but I never noticed before today that when I turn those devices on via holding down the switch that the device state is incorrectly reported in the ISY.


After upgrading to latest fireware all the entries for a one particular switchlink went missing from the ISY tables.


Any ideas why this may have happened?




Hi wwat,


By missing I assume you mean that nothing shows in the Viewer, correct?


The best thing to do would be to try and restore you last good backup before the upgrade to see if they reappear.


With kind regards,



FYI. . I noticed that when I rename my keypadlinc buttons, I have to restart the WebUI to reflect the new names. I had tried sorting to refresh the list, but that didn't help. I had to close and restart the Admin Console. I don't recall ever having this problem before, so I thought I'd mention it. It happened whether I renamed a single button or did the "all associated devices" naming interface.


ADDENDUM: Now it is working. So perhaps it is not an issue.

Hi wwat,


By missing I assume you mean that nothing shows in the Viewer, correct?


The best thing to do would be to try and restore you last good backup before the upgrade to see if they reappear.


With kind regards,




Hi Michel,


Yes that is what I meant. The restore operation repopulated the ISY table with the records. This problem is an ongoing issue for me, you may remember that we thought it was due to the v35. switchlinks but they have all been replaced now and this very same bathroom light (with new v.38 device) has exactly the same problem after upgrades. The only v.35 device I have now is a single togglelink relay. It seems unlikely that it would cause the exact same problem to the exact same main bathroom light each time I upgrade. The light itself works in combination with a motion sensor as well as manual operation, its been extremely reliable otherwise.





Hi Wayne,


I must agree with you ... the only problem is that if we cannot reproduce it we cannot fix it. In any case, I have now put this on our bug list to make sure it's going to be looked at more thoroughly. In the meantime, if you can think of anything that you may have done prior to this issue, it would greatly help us in debugging.


With kind regards,


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