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How to use Solaredge info in HA

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Hi @shbatm @Michel Kohanim

I opened the above topic back in June. The topic is now closed and I believe you and Michael were going to get together after he made some changes. See the 2 quotes below. 


That would be extremely helpful. I jumped back in on Slack, just ping me if there's anything you'd like me to test. I'll hold off on progressing further with pyisyox on the profile downloads piece--I was at the point of trying to tackle Z-Wave node defs, so a good place to stop. Just FYI -- my intent is that once this module is stable, the original pyisy will be deprecated--I know there are still a few node servers out there that use that module. The new one has been re-written from the ground up to be much faster and fully asynchronous. 



Thank you very much! Will contact you as soon as we're ready.

With kind regards,




In any case I still have the issue with node values being just named "custom controls.


When I look at the data in HA for this node, I have a sensor entity id called "sensor.energy_last_15min". So far so good. Upon further inspection under attributes, I see custom control 0 -4 which has the rest of the data. So here is my problem/question(s). I have no idea what each custom control represents.  I can figure it out by comparing what I see in the admin console to the values for the custom control. 

1) Is it unreasonable given this architecture to be able to have these custom controls broken out into specific attributes with a representative name. 


I was wondering if any progress has been made.



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@Michel Kohanim @shbatm

Michael Please refer to the topic ( see below ) I started in this thread with the same name on June 4th. It has been locked now or I would have commented there. In the last 3 or 4 posts you and shbatm had a quite detailed discussion about what the real technical issue was. Was above my level of understanding.

At the 50,000 foot level the node server works fine and  populates all info in both the admin console and Home Assistant. The problem is that the names that show up in HA all have names like custom control. It makes it difficult to use them if not impossible. 

Let me know if you still have any questions. 


"How to use Solaredge info in HA

By stevehoyt
June 4, 2023 in Home Assistant"

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