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lets talk about beeps


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I just yesterday noticed that the ISY gives the option to beep various insteon devices.


I'd like to know which devices have the beep capability? Is this new? Do only new switches of certain types have the beep?


I'd also like to know what the difference between "1 (beep duration)" and "17 (beep duration)" or any other number is. does it change the beep setting in the switch (like scene adjust does) or does it just make it beep.





Hi someguy,


SWL versions 40 and above (those with the beep feature) and dual band LampLincs and some newer version of KPLs are currently the only devices that support the beep command.


All it does is a beep the duration for which is adjustable. Some may not honor the duration though and we have yet to figure out the exact values for those. So, in short, it will be a trial and error routine to figure out the beep duration.


With kind regards,


  • 6 months later...

Still working on my audio feedback desires, this thread seems the closest.


I copied the following from the SMARTHOME Forum. I thought someone on this side may be interested in the reply and could possibly shed some light on my beep duration dilema...


Posted - 11/30/2010 : 05:50:58 AM



I apologize if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the forums or the manual.


Using the ISY and programming my new KPL, programs have actions that include beeps of varying durations. However, no matter which beep duration I choose, all my KPL does is chirp once for each beep command sent. Is there something not supported, or am I missing something




FROM: Tfitzpatri8



2600 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2010 : 07:06:25 AM



Other software supports sound differently, as a series of beeps. I've tried the ISY Beta FW 2.8.5 program actions on a variety of newer devices here, but only get a variable-length beep on an IRLinc Transmitter--everything else gives a uniform chirp. Sounds like a question for the folks at Universal Devices.



Volunteer Moderator & Home Automation Enthusiast


ha, this would be useful. I have a lamplinc that I swear is removed, but isy says that it is linked and I can turn it on an off?? I would love to send it a peep to see if I can find it, as this is driving me nuts as I have looked in all my outlets. How do I beep it?


If it is capable, this should work:


Just write a short program to repeat an action step. The insteon action steps that beep (if they are available) show up below query, but before the backlight actions (for a KPL)





Repeat Every 1 second

Set 'Living Room / Living Room Fan' 1 (Beep Duration)




This will chirp my KPL every second forever....



Anyone from UD want to comment on the third post up? Smarthome wasn't being helpful.

  • 3 weeks later...

So far, I have had mixed success in getting BEEP to work. See my listing below, not exhaustive by any stretch, but a start.


Beep Support Listing


Some Beep supported

(2876SB) Icon Relay Switch v.39

(B2457D2) LampLinc BiPhy v.3A

(2476S) SwitchLinc Relay W/ Sense v.37



No beep support in my configuration

(2876DB) Icon Dimmer v.39

(2486S/WH6) KeypadLinc Relay v.33

(2476S) SwitchLinc Relay v.35

(2486DWH8) KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 Button v.2D

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