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Custom MP3 Files Cut Short on Bluetooth Output (Again)

Go to solution Solved by wrj0,

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My previous thread was marked as solved with an update to the Audio Player.  However, after updating both AudioPlayer and Bluetooth plugins, I still have my custom MP3 files cut short when playing via Bluetooth.  Same custom MP3 files play fine via the Speaker output.  eisy was power cycled after the updates, and both plugins restarted.

Currently running:




AudioPlayer 1.3.3

Bluetooth 1.0.4

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Posted (edited)

@Techman  As noted in my previous post that was closed, my custom files DO have the "_t" at the end of file name, and play fine via the Speaker Output; just Bluetooth cuts them off before playing to the end.

Edited by wrj0
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  • 2 weeks later...

Michel provided me with a solution to being able to play custom Text-to-Speech MP3 files via Bluetooth.  Apparently, the TTS site I had been using (ttsmp3.com) does not provide the MP3 files with the proper frame rate.  Per the ticket opened on this issue: 


that's an issue. The reason is that the framerate for BT is different than speaker. So, the code exports the tts mp3 files using the framerate supported by BT. If at all possible, see if you can export your audio files using 48000 as the framerate.

I regenerated the desired MP3 files using this site: https://freetts.com/  So far, the custom MP3 files generated by that site are playing fine over both the Speaker and Bluetooth outputs.

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  • Solution

With excellent support from ttsMP3.com, some additional information on this issue has provided a simple to implement solution to the Bluetooth audio cutoff problem.  MP3 files from freetts.com played fine over Bluetooth, while the files generated by ttsMP3.com were cut short before playing to completion.  (As an example, entering "This is a test" would output "This is a" via Bluetooth audio)  Support from ttsMP3.com determined that that freetts.com uses a sample rate of 16k, resulting in a lower quality output, than ttsMP3.com that provides 24k sample rate with crisper output sound.  Additionally, freetts.com automatically adds a forced pause of 1 second at the end of the file.  So, using ttsMP3.com, and adding the tag

<break time="1s"/>

at the end of your text input to ttsMP3.com to generate an MP3 file, that allows Bluetooth to play the custom MP3 file without cutting off the end.

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