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Default IOX SMTP server down?

Go to solution Solved by bmercier,

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Hi @bmercier, I was receiving delayed and then stopped receiving notifications on April 30 and May 01 2024.

Was this related to the Portal outage?

I have since reconfigured my Polisy to Gmail's SMTP service.

Thought I would ask in case others were having problems on those dates.


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10 hours ago, mmb said:

Hi @bmercier, I was receiving delayed and then stopped receiving notifications on April 30 and May 01 2024.

Was this related to the Portal outage?

I have since reconfigured my Polisy to Gmail's SMTP service.

Thought I would ask in case others were having problems on those dates.


Notifications had some problems during the outage. The database was sometimes too slow, and this impacted subscriptions.

Do you still have problems with notifications?

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