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Problem with Spokens

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I have two profiles in my Portal for separate ISYs , Chesapeake and Wolf Creek.  I recently installed two new six button KPLs at Wolf Creek. These are working as they are supposed to. All the older devices and KPLs at Wolf Creek respond to spokens in my echo devices. However, spokens will not work for the new KPLs. I have set them up in the Portal using the Wolf Creek profile but when I try using them I get the message, “I couldn’t find a device or group in these profiles”. So, it appears there is a defect in how I tried to set them up in the Portal. Any help will be appreciated.


MacBook Pro, Sonoma 14.5

ISY 994i Pro

All Insteon devices

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@smokegrub Not sure how to help. I'd suggest removing from the portal Alexa connection and try adding again. 

Do you have 2 different Alexa accounts (one for each location)? Alexa should alert you to new devices found as soon as you add them and close the window in the isy portal side. I know that's what happened recently when I added a device. 

Make sure that on the Wolf Creek account that your preferred ISY matches the UUID for that location. Since you said you had two portal accounts it should, but that's one area I would check to confirm you're connecting the correct ISY with your Alexa connection account.

I don't expect anything has changed on the UD side of how things are added/connected. However, the same cannot be said for the Amazon/Echo side (that always seems to be changing and causing issues randomly). It could be as simple as removing them from the spoken list and adding them back. That's what I would try first. 


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Thanks for the help but problem persists. When I use the Portal to prepare the spokens all seems to go well. But, when I use a spoken I get an audible message from Alexa that the spoken is not in that user profile. So, it is obvious there is something wrong in the linkage between the Portal and Aleza.  It looks to me like I am going to have to submit a ticket.

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  • 1 month later...

If you have the Alexa App on your phone, you can see the "spokens" that have been added in the devices section.  Just as an FYI I have in the past integrated a KPL with Alexa, was not easy and once completed was still not very reliable.  That may have only been because I was using the KPL to trigger Alexa routines.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I try to use a spoken at Wolf Creek I get the message “Skill is not enabled”. I enabled the skill: “Isy optimized for smart home V3”. I am told the account is not linked. When I try to link the account, I am told the account is linked. I have a fundamental problem somewhere in account linking. Is the answer to create sub accounts, one for each ISY?


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On 6/15/2024 at 10:49 AM, Geddy said:

@smokegrub have you attempted to re-link the Alexa skill to make sure it’s the correct profile?

You didn’t say if you have different Alexa accounts for the two properties. It sounds like a profile issue in the Alexa side. 

Yes, and everytging else I have found. Ever since I first set up an account with two ISYs and profiles I have had problems. So bad that I have avoided accessing the Wolf Creek profile anjd it worked well until I added two new KPLs. I have become convinced that I need to set up separate accounts for each ISY. Now, I just have to figure out how to do that.  : (

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Geddy, forgive me for not replying until now. I agree with you that I most likely have a profile issue with Alexa, and I don't know how to resolve it. What would happen if deleted the Alexa app from my Mac and downloaded a new one? Would that new app reload correctly from the portal/ or should I invest in a call to Alexa? Or, finally, should I submit a ticket even though I have two ISYs using the rationale that the Portal has failed.

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@smokegrub probably best to raise a ticket with UD. 


I don't think just deleting an app and reinstalling it will do anything to help your situation. It's more likely you would need to remove the skill from the Alexa account and then login again with the skill. I'm not familiar with the process as I haven't had to do that recently, but I'm sure that process is outlined in the UD Wiki somewhere.

Maybe also look at this part of the wiki:


(while you're not using Routines it might give you other ideas of troubleshooting tips)

It's probably a simple fix somehow, but don't know those steps to suggest to be a simple fix. Perhaps through the suppor ticket you can get help to get it sorted out. 

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