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Program does not update properly and does not perform its function

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I have used a 994i and insteon PLM for many years with no difficulty.

I have installed a new eisy and a new insteon PLM. The system seems to think it is connected. I can create programs and control devices.

If I create a program to operate the switch at a specific time, it works as I would expect it to.

I have written a program to turn a switch on at sunset plus 5 minutes. When I look at the summary and "next scheduled run" the time is not sunset plus 5 minutes but shows as approximately sunset plus 12 minutes.  When run time arrives, the switch is not activated.  I have deleted the device and the program,  added them back and the same thing happens.

Any help would be appreciated

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@CWM welcome to the UD Forums!

Did you make sure you followed the migration process to move from the ISY994 to the eisy? Or are you attempting to setup all devices with the new eisy and new PLM? If you replaced the PLM in the process you will need to restore the backup then replace the modem. It makes it a little more tricky because the backup from the ISY994 is looking for the address of the old PLM until you perform the replace modem process. 

Migration steps: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Migrating

Replace modem steps: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Replace_Modem_(PLM)


What kind of PLM did you buy? Please note that the eisy only uses the usb connection to communicate to the PLM. With the ISY994 many users had a serial PLM that used a typical network cable to connect to the ISY994. You need a serial to USB conversion cable that UD sells, or make your own. There several posts about how to do that (you might need to use Google Site Search to find them as sometimes the forums search cannot locate old posts if they are auto archived).  Just know not to connect a serial PLM to the network port of the eisy. That's just for an ethernet connection.

Since you seem to be able to add devices to the eisy they should be talking through the new PLM. It seems that you haven't fully gotten the eisy setup though. 

What firmware are you running on the eisy? Please be sure you have updated to the most recent firmware. You can locate that in the Current Release Announcement area of the forums. As of today the current release is IoX 5.8.4.

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Thanks for the quick reply.

I am running 5.8.4

I am in a new house with a new Eisy and a new USB PLM. I did not do a migration. Everything talks to everything else - I can write a program for a specific execution time and it will work but if I try to run a program with an offset to sunset the next executable time is not what I specified and the program does not execute at all.

I am running 24 hour time so I know it is not an AM/PM problem.

How can the system create an executable from my program but the executable is not the time offset I specified? How can there be an executable that does not execute at the time specified? It does not execute at the time I specify or the time that the system chooses. If I create a program to execute at a specific time, it works just fine.

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@CWM So this is a new setup then. And you can control devices from the admin console just fine?

Could you share the program with the offset? Right click on the program, select the last menu item of "COPY to clipboard" then paste it as text in your reply. (Don't use "export" only use the COPY option) (Dang... @MrBill beat me to that one!)

Some things to review:

  • Is the program nested in a folder other than the root folder? If so, are there folder conditions that cause the folder to be false? If so any program within that folder will not fire.
  • In Admin console - does the correct time of day (and date) show at the top of the screne? Wanting to be sure that the eisy can communicate with a time server to know the real time of day. 
  • Is your location set correctly so that sunset is accurate?
  • If you force the program to run (right click the program and select "Run Then"), does it operate as expected?
  • On the Program Summary tab is there a "last run" showing?
  • What does the icon for the program look like? (Key for colors from wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY_Programs:Icon_Colors)


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9 hours ago, MrBill said:

Please right click the program name in the program tree and choose copy to clipboard.  Paste that here in a reply.

@MrBill I'm sorry this is off-topic, but MrBill, we have missed you and your thoughtful responses. I hope all is well and I'm glad you're (hopefully) back to help all of us.


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Driveway Light ON - [ID 0002][Parent 0001][Run At Startup]

        Time is Sunset  +  5 minutes
        Set 'Driveway Light' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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New Program - [ID 0004][Parent 0001]

        Time is  2:37:00PM
        Set 'Driveway Light' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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I just looked at the "next scheduled run" time and it is actually 5 minutes after sunset (as it should be). It looks like maybe this will run tonight. I will post the results.

Not sure why this took 3 days to get the program to execute properly.  During that time, I deleted and re-wrote the program several times.  I cleared the cache thinking that maybe the "sunset" variable was stored incorrectly....


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@CWM Did you perform this step mentioned above? 

19 hours ago, Geddy said:

If you force the program to run (right click the program and select "Run Then"), does it operate as expected?

When you click "Run Then" it doesn't evaluate the "IF" and will operate the "THEN" portion of the program. Make sure that turns the light on as expected. 

Is the light in an area that might have communication issues? Is it a wired device? Is it outside of the garage? Sometimes garage door openers can cause noise that blocks the Insteon signal. Since this is a "new house" (as you stated above) you don't know what signal loss you might have going out to where this device/light is located. 

At least now you seem to report that the next run time is more as expected of 5 minutes after sunset. Seems like something is progressing. 

Do you have a lot of "sunset +5 min" programs? If you have multiple programs triggering at once it could be a communication issue so add more stagger to spread the communication out.

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Just ran the "then". It does nothing and now the device shows with no status. The "Next Scheduled Run" is also wrong.

Now the admin console can not turn the light on or off. The switch is in the garage and has been controlled by the app and the admin console successfully before today.

When I use the admin console to turn the switch on today, i get an error message "Request Failed"


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Apparently the PLM was not connected. I fixed that.

Now I am back to the "next scheduled run" being off by one day and 12 minutes from when the program is trying to schedule. It should be scheduled today at sunset plus 5 minutes

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Sorry to keep posting but i have discovered that although my system is set to New York time, the program is creating the next scheduled run time based on Los Angeles sunset time.

Can't explain why the next scheduled run is set for tomorrow, not today.

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2 hours ago, CWM said:

Apparently the PLM was not connected. I fixed that.

yeah, I was going to say it sounded like a PLM issue. Glad you got that sorted out. So you're able to control the light again?

2 hours ago, CWM said:

he program is creating the next scheduled run time based on Los Angeles sunset time.

This sounds like it's not saving the location or can't reach a time server on the internet. Are you running any non-standard routers? How is the eisy connected to your network (wifi or ethernet)? There were issues in an early firmware about being stuck on LA time, but you're on 5.8.4 so shouldn't be an issue.

Can you confirm that you're running 5.8.4 both firmware and UI? I know above you said firmware is 5.8.4, but is the admin console running UI that matches the firmware?

2 hours ago, CWM said:

Is there something else that need to be set?

Try setting a custom location with using your coordinates. 

Use Google maps. Type in your address. Right click on the location to get the coordinates. Enter them in to admin console (don't use the negative for "Long" just put it in as the numbers). Make sure ""Daylight Saving Rule" is set to US-Canada and set the Timezone Offset (-5) if it isn't already set. 

If you set a custom location and the eisy is able to connect to a time server online I'm not sure what is happening. It might be time to open a support ticket and get their tricks of the trade to look at the setup and find what's missing.


Just be sure if you open a support ticket and get it sorted out to update here so we know what happened to fix the issue.

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please check your chain of folders above this program.  If any are disabled folders (IF condition in folder if is false) the program will not run either automatically or manually selecting “run then”.  I suspect you have that issue.

also check your time zone in the configuration section and then reboot the ISY.  


@Ross thanks for the kind words.

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As this is a brand new system, I have not created any folders.

I set the time zone manually to my GPS coordinates. Restarted the admin console and the program is working perfectly.

Thank you all for your support.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/29/2024 at 10:08 PM, CWM said:


As this is a brand new system, I have not created any folders.

I set the time zone manually to my GPS coordinates. Restarted the admin console and the program is working perfectly.

Thank you all for your support.



I have the exact same issue.

My time zone is set to NY, the sunset is displayed top of screen correctly, but the actual program doesn't run and in the summary it's states next scheduled run for some other time than sunset..


What do you solved your problem?

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I got my GPS coordinates from Google Maps. If you click on a spot on the Google Maps, the coordinates will be displayed in the town name (pop up box). Enter these coordinates in the custom location in the UD app. You don't need the minus sign on the longitude coordinate. save it and you should be all set

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