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Lost communication


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I have been using very stable insteon/PG3 system for some time.  Recently (after some nearby construction power outages) I have lost communication with 3 of my insteon devices (1 2-wire switch and 2 lamplincs).  I have gone thru the usual device delete/factory reset with no luck.  When I try to add the switch back, I get a "cannot determine insteon engine" alert after 10 seconds or so.  Under Tools, event viewer says switch failed to add, reason 3.  For the lamplincs, under device communication events, I get [inst-ack] 02 62 3E.5D.8F LTS req and LTONRR (FF).  

Interestingly, when I add the lamplincs to IOX in the location where the Polisy is, they work OK.  Any thoughts?  I am running 5.8.4.

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"Cannot determine insteon engine" indicates that the PLM is unable to communicate with the device.

Being that you've tried factory reset / restore devices without success, yet they appear to work when you move them closer to the Polisy, I would focus on either noise on the power line and/or your powerline legs not properly bridged. The 2 wire switch is a powerline only device therefore I would focus on powerline issues. 

Take a look at these wiki articles:

INSTEON: Troubleshooting Communications Errors - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki (universal-devices.com)

INSTEON Signal / Noise Troubleshooting - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki (universal-devices.com)

Powerline noise.pdf 4 Tap test.pdf

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Search google with "XPF X10", and also try "XPNR X10"

The XPF and XPNR are wire in filters for x10 but can work in some cases with Insteon. I used the XPNR for line noise from noisy electronic low voltage lighting transformers that affected insteon. The XPF is rated for 20amps but is kinda big.

Take a look at these. I can't guarantee results in your case, but there are limited things to try.

Edited by paulbates
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@SHM, I'm a little surprised that your microwave is causing a problem when it is off.  Is this a built-in model or countertop?

I ask because a countertop model would be on a GFCI and could be shared with other outlets while a built in would not.   If your lamplincs were on the same circuit, I could absolutely believe that the microwave would absorb the insteon signal and prevent them from communicating.

If your devices are on a different circuit from the microwave, I would suggest that you saw a "false positive" in your testing.  It's unlikely that the microwave could absorb signals on a different circuit.  Try unplugging the microwave to see I the devices still communicate.  If the microwave is indeed causing interference on a different circuit when it's off, it may be time for a new microwave.

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