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Email to text no longer working on ATT

Go to solution Solved by paulbates,

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Over the last week email-to-text has stopped working on ATT.  This happens no matter where the email is initiated, not just eisy.  It appears this is not a unique problem.  I have set up a unique ATT email in eisy address for the text message.  Had gmail before and ran into problems there as well. The system rarely triggers a message except when I am testing new programs.

Does anyone know a fix or good alternative?  I am currently not a Polyglot user, so plug-ins may be too complex.  Open to suggestions.

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This is a known issue with AT&T. I have been working with them for about 6 months trying to get them to resolve the issue. Bottom line is that I think they really don't want to support email to text. It's possible that the spammers were using that protocol.

An option you can try is to send your email to text message in MMS format rather than text. (your phone number@MMS.ATT.NET)

Let me know if that helps

Edited by Techman
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Spammers were using bulk email to sms/mms.  My guess is ATT is trying hard to detect and block this sort of abuse, which may have the unintended consequence of blocking legitimate use of the feature.  

We can all thank ATT for releasing all our sensitive information. 




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I have tried both txt and mms with no success, from multiple email addresses.  And my previous experience working with ATT seems futile.  Any other alternatives?  Does UD support messages initiated from programs, or only system messages?  I cannot find any documentation on that.

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The PG3 notification plugin has a free version, and also a pay for which I use and recommend. I use the notification plugin to send notifications to the pushover app, it's $5 one time, and it organizes my notifications in to different folders I definr. It keeps my text app open for family / friends communication and I can look at pushover notifications when I need to.



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It does... plugin = polyglot pg3.  You posted under eisy so I assume you have that, if so you already have polyglot installed.

There is a learning curve for sure

Another option: if you have the UD portal, use the UDM mobile app and notifications can be sent to it relatively easily, probably not a big leap from your att texting, making some mods to programs. You won't need polyglot. This may be the place to start.

Edited by paulbates
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Thank you paulbates!  Given my comfort level with the old ISY, I never even realized polyglot was installed and plugins available.  I have set up notifications through UD mobile and all is working.

I am so glad to not have to mess with ATT and email to TXT.

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@twired Glad you got them setup. Also take a look at what @Kentinada put together for some pointers if you want to get a little more advanced.

There is a lot of information in the wiki about notifications as well:  https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile#Notifications_Tab

Lastly, the "free" version does have a limit to the number of notifications per day. I think it's 8. Buying the full version gives you a lot of additional resources.

But you've found out what a lot of others have posted over the last few years is that email to SMS/Text is not as reliable as it used to be. Nearly all wireless providers treat it as junk/bulk mail and randomly delay or don't deliver. It's been the constant suggestion of getting the UD Mobile+Notifications system running. Another option was setting up network resources to push messages, but that is a huge learning curve.

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