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iOS shortcut support to trigger a program

Go to solution Solved by Guy Lavoie,

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After reading a similar thread, I've become interested in using the iOS Shortcuts support to trigger a REST command and run a program (or a Then or Else).

I was able to trigger the program from a Chrome tab using the simple command

But making a shortcut for Get contents of and using the same command as above (and with a GET method), nothing happens.

Possibly it's because the first time I ran this in Chrome I was prompted for a username and password, but on the iPhone I didn't get challenged.

Probably a simple answer to this, but hard to find a solution online.  Any help would be appreciated!

  • Solution

If you can construct multiline URLs, the better way is to encode the username and password as a base 64 value, and include it as a parameter. Browsers do this internally. It looks like this:

GET /rest/programs/0009/runThen HTTP/1.0
Authorization: YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=


That authorization value is the result of encoding "admin:admin"

You can encode your own userid:password here



See the screenshot. This updates the value of a variable.  Slightly different than the "run" command you want, but the principles are the same. The last bit is the trickiest. Add a header, type "Authorization" and then type "Basic" and then add your encoded password by inserting the variable.

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 8.12.57 PM_001.jpg



@maxnorth  Many thanks for providing this shortcut; something I'd really like to get it to work for me.

I've implemented the shortcut on my iPhone as shown in your screenshot.  It seems that I have the Authorization set correctly, since if I change my portal username or password by 1 character in the Userpw key, the shortcut returns: "user authorization not valid."  With the correct portal username and password the shortcut returns: "Requested ISY not found in the user's domain." 

I've compared the BaseURL encoded value generated by the shortcut and it is identical to that provided by https://www.base64encode.net/  using the format myportalusername:myportalpassword

I do have two devices configured in the portal, an eisy and a Polisy.  How do I specify the desired device in the shortcut BaseURL dictionary key?   My entry for that key is:  https://my.isy.io/isy/  


Figured it out.  The BaseURL to specify the device is:

BaseURL https://my.isy.io/isy/longkeyfromtheportal/   

Shortcut works after adding the long portal key for the specific device to the BaseURL.  Thanks again @maxnorth for the shortcut.


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