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Scene issues after PLM replacement

Go to solution Solved by Techman,

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I am having the same problem as Culvdave that after installing a new PLM the scenes cannot be controlled manually or by program automation. The scenes are present and correctly structured but cannot be turned on or off. Rebuilding the scene corrects the problem but I am hesitant to just rebuild all scenes in my production (church) environment because it is error prone. 

Unlike Culvdave, I did not follow the written procedure to install the new PLM until after it didn't work, then I read the instructions, then installed it correctly. Still, the scenes cannot be controlled. Attached is the dump from scene-->diagnostic-->scene test is attached.ISY-Events-Log.v5.0.16__Wed 2024.10.23 07.20.15 PM.txtISY-Events-Log.v5.0.16__Wed 2024.10.23 07.20.15 PM.txt

  • Solution


The link tables for a scene are contained in the devices themselves, so if you disconnect the PLM the scenes should still work, i.e. if you have 3 devices in a scene and turn on one of the devices the other devices should respond.

Not knowing how you first installed the PLM it's probably best to do a factory reset on your PLM and then follow the written instructions for replacing a PLM. See attached file.

Replace PLM.pdf


@gempro, not sure if you have been able to resolve your issues.

Your event log did show an interesting detail that was not part of the scene test.  After the test completed, the ISY attempted to write an update to your 46.2F.CA device (RemoteKP.F).  This update failed with a Nack response from the KPL.  The Nack indicates that your new PLM is not currently linked to this device.  

It looks like with update may have been automatically triggered after you performed the scene test.  In a system that is having communication issues, that can complicate things.  Try turning OFF the automatic writes (screen capture below) and restoring this device.  

If the restore completes successfully, perform a link table read/compare to double check.  Continue in this manner with your other devices.

If the restore does not work, come on back and we can develop a plan B.


<html><font color="red">----- Keypad LED F Test Results -----</font></html>
<html><font color="red">[Failed]</font> KeypadF (44 7D D7 6)</html>
<html><font color="red">[Failed]</font> RemoteKP.F (46 2F CA 6)</html>
<html><font color="red">----- Keypad LED F Test Results -----</font></html>
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [INST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 12 CF 13 00
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [INST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.12 CF 13 00 06          LTOFFRR(00)
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [Ext MH      ] Unexpected Ack imCmd=62 cmd1=LTOFFRR 0x13
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [46 2F CA 1  ] Link   27 : 0F20 [A22A711973FF1F01] *Failed Writing [A22A711973FF1F01]
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [All         ] Writing 8 bytes to devices
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [INST-SRX    ] 02 50 46.2F.CA 71.19.73 AB 2F FF           (FF)
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [Std-Direct Nack] 46.2F.CA-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [46 2F CA 1] [ERR] [1] uom=0 prec=-1
Wed 10/23/2024 07:18:32 PM : [  46 2F CA 1]      ERR   1





Thank you all for your quick and helpful responses. The problem was resolved by doing a factory reset on the PLM (thx Techman), followed by a full restore of the ISY, then a restore of the PLM. After that, all broken links and missing devices were repaired. 

My initial problem was caused by NOT following the PLM replacement instructions, go figure. I had replaced the PLM with the ISY power on. After that first PLM restore, the PLM link table only held 37 links when it should have held 188. Next time: follow the written instructions!!

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