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Onecall data query failed

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@scott basilius I believe there have been some issues of the API taking a little while to be available. I believe @bpwwer has said to allow several hours to as much as a day and it should work. If you just generated the key or since you said you generated a new one give it some time to activate on their (OpenWeather) system. It should work soon.


1 hour ago, scott basilius said:

the node server configuration has a line for inputting a password.  Is a password needed here? 

No. All Plugin (formerly Node servers) configuration is done on the web for Polyglot. Don't mess with anything in admin console for plugins (node servers). 

Sounds like you might be in the wait a while phase. I think it could take as long as 48 hours based on reading another post


I'm still getting the "Onecall data query failed" error.   My configuration is set for 7 days.  It looks like the data for day 0 is loading, but gives the above error before loading the other days. In looking at the data, the results are not correct.  I double checked my location in the configuration ( Longitude / latitude ) and those values are correct.   Any suggestions on what else to try?  it's been 48 hours since i saved the new API key in the configuration



The "Onecall data query failed" error is a generic message that means the plug-in didn't get anything it could use when it queried the weather server.  In almost every case like this, the server is returning an error message saying the API key is invalid. 

You can get more information about what the plug-in is doing prior to the error by setting the log level to debug.  The debug level log will show the exact https query that the plug-in is using and will show what the server returned.

If the server is returning an API Key invalid, there is nothing the plug-in  nor I as the plug-in's author can do to change that.  You'll need to work with OpenWeatherMap to get a valid API key.

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The problem that i was having is because i didn’t have a subscription to the One Call API 3.0.  See below for email from Openweathermap tech support.  After i created a subscription ( even thought I’m under the 1000 calls per day, which qualifies for the free plan ),   My weather data updated correctly.


One Call API 2.5 was deprecated, while a new plan One Call by Call subscription plan was introduced. It provides access to the One Call API 3.0. There are no limits on the number of API calls, but users pay for a subscription according to the actual use of the product. Read more about this subscription plan in theFAQ. Please note that the first 1000 calls per day are free.

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