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new eisy with Zwave dual antennae dongle does not see any Zw

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I have about 10 Zwave devices in the house. All devices were seen on the ISY 994i device.


I know none were deployed to the new Etsy, However I am not able to add any of these devices onto the Etsy; which is in same location as 994i unit. I turned on "detect button Press" option for Zwave devices. But pressing the "button" or holding down the wall switch does not add the device to the Etsy ?? How can I determine if new dual Zwave dongle plugged into one of the USB ports on the Etsy is actually working?

7 minutes ago, Geddy said:

... if the devices were connected to your ISY994 you will need to exclude them before including


That's the very first thing to check.

If you have a spare device that was never added to a z-wave network, try adding that one first. If it works, that would pretty well indicate that this is the problem.

To know if your eisy is seeing the adapter, in admin console, go to z-wave -> advanced -> z-wave information. Check that it says "Connected".

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I checked and ZWave antenna is on USB ZMatter - Etsy device.

I removed the Zigbee antenna since I have no such devices.

I have support for Zwave checked in the configuration of Admin Console.

As shown in attached screen shot there is no "Zwave Information" menu option under "Advanced menu?

I have no ZWave devices in the Etsy; I am trying to add the previously connected back into the system.

I have a Zwave temp sensor sitting right next to Etsy unit. When I press the button on Temp sensor, its LED comes on and blinks meaning it is looking for the Zwave antennae, but Etsy does not see it. i.e. no window opens indicating it has seen a new device.  I have "show when button pressed" option set ON in Zwave configuration options?

What should I try next?


Zwave not showing information menu option_05Jan2025_Reduced.jpg

Zwave not showing Version Option_05Jan2025.jpg


Regarding  Geddy's posting ... 

"If you have a spare device that was never added to a z-wave network, try adding that one first. "

The ZWave temp sensor is a new device, and I have several others still deployed in the house.

18 minutes ago, Gammai said:

I removed the Zigbee antenna since I have no such devices.

It’s fine to leave the antenna attached…I would reattach it to be sure the device is as supplied. 

19 minutes ago, Gammai said:

Etsy device

The device is “eisy”. Might be auto correct in your posting. 

21 minutes ago, Gammai said:

What should I try next?

What Firmware and UI are you running? Please don’t just say “latest” as that means nothing if/when somebody reads this months down the road. Give exact version number. Even a screen shot of Help -> About screen showing Firmware and UI. Please make sure you are up to date….as of today that would be IoX 5.8.4.

Perform a power cycle of the eisy. Press and hold the power button until it turns red. Or you can press the button 6 times and it should shut down after a moment. (Se multi-function button info in wiki).

26 minutes ago, Gammai said:

I have no ZWave devices in the Etsy; I am trying to add the previously connected back into the system.

I have a Zwave temp sensor sitting right next to Etsy unit.

Was the temp sensor previously connected to the ISY994? You will need to perform an exclude on the eisy then include. 

Did you select the “Add a Zwave device” in the menu? (Big green plus sign) Does any window come up to add device?


Last option would be to reset the USB ports as outlined in the wiki:


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