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Flair not pulling the proper puck temperatures

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I have a Flair setup with 4 pucks and 8 vents.  All in all, it works really well when I set it to Auto mode.  However, I wanted more control over it and integrated it into my Polisy system using the Flair plugin.

I'm able to control it just like I want, but the issue that I am having is that the Flair plugin does not seem to be reading the temperature from the pucks correctly.  For example, the Flair app will show the "Serenity Room" at 64.6 F which is accurate.  However, the Flair plugin shows the Serenity Room at 62.6.  The room is not being used and should be set to 64.

This doesn't seem that bad, except I had an incident where someone was sleeping in a room and the Flair plugin thought the room was 62 degrees, opened the vent while the heat was running, and it made the room get up to 78 during the middle of the night.  They awoke drenched in sweat.

The issue is that I am not sure where the Flair plugin is getting the puck temperatures because they are not matching what is actually being reported by the pucks nor what is being shown in the Flair app.  I looked into the logs and it is saying "no change in value" even when the room temperature changes according to the Flair app.  This is happening for all of my pucks.

I have my polling time set to be fairly frequent, but the logs still show no change.

Here is one example:




Anyone familiar with the Flair plugin can help?

I've attached my logs for reference.   




I'm taking a look at it and I don't really see anything that looks wrong. 

However, it does look like the code is designed to only trigger a temperature change on 1 degree Celsius changes.   This may account for some/all of the issues you're seeing.  The temperatures are in C and get converted to F in the plug-in. So anything between 17.0 to 17.99 C will get converted to 62.6F.  If it was doing the conversion properly, you'd see values between 62.6 and 64.4F

Also, it's not yet clear to me how often the pucks (and vents, etc.) report updated values to the server.  Some info I found on-line indicates that the puck display will only update if the temperature changes is greater than 1.1C (2F) and it does this to reduce internet traffic.  How updating the display is related to internet traffic is unclear.  Possibly that really means that it doesn't send updates to the server.  If that's the case, then you'll never be able to get good real-time data from these things.  


I'm going to send you PM with some additional information.


Thank you, @bpwwer.  I had suspected the same about the C to F conversion.  In the more current examples I had that provided above, that might explain it.  I'll keep an eye on the C values to see how often that changes.  (rant: I so very wish the US had switched to metric decades ago but alas, that is what we are dealing with so I was trying to make it work)

That said, the incident that precipitated this was where the room would have been many degrees C hotter... 77 F (25 C) in the room even though the puck was returning around 62.4 F (around 17 C).  I'll see if I can capture that if it happens again.  It was in the middle of the night so I was focused on just getting the room cooled down and didn't see if something was offline or what the values were at the time.  If I can catch this happening again, I'll see if I can grab more data.



So... actually here is an example right now:

My office puck is currently set to 64 F which equates to 17.8 C.  It is currently 68 F in my office which equates to 20 C.  This is properly being shown on my "R5_Upstairs Office" Flair Room device.


It is from this object that I am getting my current ambient temperature because I cannot read the temperature from the puck device directly for some reason

However, when I look at the puck, it shows something completely different:


it is definitely not 62.6 F in my office where I am typing this right now. 

This is the exact issue I saw when one of the bedrooms overheated, but in that case, the puck was registering a much hotter temperature than the room which caused the vent to stay open and continue heating the room.

I've attached an updated log capture.



From what I can tell, the plug-in never actually updated the temperature values.  It would get the current values when the plug-in starts but then never updates them.  It did get updates for the pucks and vents (but not the rooms) and would update some of the other values like rssi from the update.

I think I have it mostly working now but since I don't own the plug-in, I'll have to see what i can do to get it updated in the store.



That is awesome!  Thank you for the quick response and potential resolution.

Yes, that would explain why I could restart the plugin and sometimes would see that it would retrieve the new values after the restart.


I've pushed out a new version, but I can't update the store entry.  However, you should be able to go to the store and install/re-install it and it will install the new version (3.0.1).


I have successfully reinstalled it from the store.

I had created a counter to track how many minutes the temperature in each room goes between updates.  The counter will reset to 0 for that room if the temperature read for that room changes and otherwise will continue to increment by 1 every minute.  Previously, all values would count up indefinitely indicating that the values were not changing.

I am looking at those counters right now.  My success criteria is that if your fix is working, I should see this value periodically reset to 0.  That is exactly what I am seeing.

I will continue to monitor it, but it appears that your fix is working.

Thank you again for the quick resoluton.

11 hours ago, bpwwer said:

I've pushed out a new version, but I can't update the store entry.  However, you should be able to go to the store and install/re-install it and it will install the new version (3.0.1).

@bpwwer, is it that @automationgeek  no longer maintains this plugin?


@bpwwer just to follow up, I am happy to report that this has been running perfectly since I installed your fix last night.  Please let me know if there is any other data you need for your verification.

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