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Unresponsive ISY-99


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For the past week, I can access my ISY-99 website and admin console, and see my devices, but there is no status of any the devices. Queries for status result in a communication error. Also, all of my programs appear to be gone. Soft and hard resets and power cyclyes of the ISY-99 did not resolve the issue. The PWR and RX lights on the front of the unit are on constantly. I submitted a support issue through the "Contact Support" on your website on Sunday, June 27, but have not heard anything.


I am dead in the water, here. I have no lawn irrigation, no wakeup function in the morning, no management of my thermostats and lights while on vacation, no motion sensing lights, nothing.


What is the best way to receive individual support from Universal Devices for dead hardware?


I am quite surprised you have not gotten a response from UDI.


Page 58 of the users guide indicates a constant RX led maybe a communications error. You have already tried the suggested resets and power cycle. Did you make sure the interface cable between the PLM and the ISY99i is firmly seated.


In the Tools, Diagnostics, PLM Info/Status does it indicate it is connected to the PLM? I am thinking it will show it is not.


Your PLM may have failed. UDI or Smarthome may have added ways to determine if the PLM has failed.


Oops. RTFM, right. Indeed that was the problem. I unplugged the PLM for 15 seconds and plugged it back in (as suggested by the manual) and everything appears to be back to normal. I even backed-up my ISY this time!


While a locked-up or bad PLM makes perfect sense for no status/comm. errors, what threw me for a loop was the fact that my programs disappeared. This seems like an odd symptom for a PLM communication problem and was, instead, pointing to a SD card or some other problem in the ISY-99 itself. Oh, well.


Thanks a lot for the info!


I thought I read in a thread here. That if the communications to the PLM is not working. The ISY99i goes into a safe mode and does not allow programs to be accessed.


I did find one thing with my 2413S PLM. As it does not power the ISY99i.

I disconnected the 2413S from the wall AC and the ISY99i did not detect the offline PLM or the PLM status changed to disconnected; until I did a reboot. Then the RX LED stayed on and all my programs where hidden in the safe mode. :wink:

A system Query before the reboot just showed every device failing. With the 2413S disconnected from the AC wall power.


Hi kingwr,


I do apologize. We do not have any email from you. Did you receive an automated response to your submission? We did have three other email submissions on Sunday.


The best way, if in doubt, is to use the phone line. We have a 24/7 answering service. 818 631 0333.




I submitted the problem through your website, under support, through the "Contact Us" link. I submitted the problem both Sunday night and last night (Tuesday). Also, I did not receive any automated responses, as I have in the past. I guess I should have just emailed support@universal-deivces.com. Good to know about the 24/7 phone line, too.



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