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help needed- ISY-99 syncing time with internet site


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My ISY time is drifting and I want to have it get it's time from an internet site. I selected ENABLE, the ntp server is POOL.NTP.ORG, when I select "synchronize now" I get the following error message.


[-60001] NTP server DNS errror [POOL.NTP.ORG]


Any ideas on what I might need to change to get this to work?


The other issue I have is trying to change the NTP server. When typing in a new server... before I can select the SAVE button.. it reverts back to the previous server!!?? The only way I can change the server it to change a few letters at a time and then quickly selecting the SAVE button.

If it matters, my ISY is version 2.7.15


Thank you- Jim


Hi Jim,


Apologies for a tardy reply.


Is your ISY on a static IP address? If so, what is the DNS server you are using?


The problem you are describing is because ISY cannot access the DNS server (Domain Name Service) which translates names to IP addresses. If you are using a static IP for your ISY, you should use the router's IP address as the DNS server.


With kind regards,




Thank you for your reply... to answer all your questions.. I have no clue. Guess I have some research on my router and networks to do.




Hi Jim,


Apologies. What yo need to do is to go to Configuration | System tab and check the settings. First, try DHCP checkbox and see if that makes any difference. If it does, then we can figure out how to make it static.


With kind regards,


  • 2 weeks later...


I am learning slowly... My ISY is set to a static address, I found that my DNS server was set to the Gateway address. I did some digging and found my routers address. I entered that address for the DNS address, it looks like it is now trying to access the NTP server, but now I get the following error.


[-60006] NTP server not responding [n/a]


I am guessing that either the server address I have is not correct, or the server is actually down. I have the following address;




Thank you for your help.




Hello ixlr8,


Would you be kind enough to try the following:


1. Start the DOS command prompt on your computer

2. Type: nslookup pool.ntp.org

3. Go to the Admin Console Configuration | System tab and enter the ip address as you found on #2 for the NTP server

4. Click on the synch now button


I just want to make sure you actually do have access to the outside world. Do your emails work?


With kind regards,




What do you mean, does my email work? My regular email works fine, I have not set up my ISY to send any email.

Here is what I got for a response to the nslookup command.



*** Can't find server name for address non-existand domain

*** Default servers are not available

Server: UnKnown



Non-authoritative answer:

Name: pool.ntp.org




I tried both the 208... and the 66... addresses and I received the same error,

"NTP server not responding"


Thank you for your help.

Hi ixlr8,


Use the Command Prompt and enter ipconfig.


Let us know what is the Default Gateway. is unusual.




It does list the Default Gateway as being, I wonder if there is something configured wrong in my router. I have an IP camera that uploads to the internet with no issue, and I can access the camera directly from any computer anywhere. So something outside of normal internet access is working through the router. I will check to see what parameters are in the camera.




It is now working.. :)

I did some more playing with IP addresses, I had the ISY Gateway address set to the Router WAN Gateway address and the ISY DNS set to the same thing. That was how I had it set up getting the errors when I first posted. I then changed the ISY DNS to router LAN IP address. That is when I was getting the errors saying that the NTP server was not responding. I just now changed the ISY Gateway address to be the same as the DNS address.. it seems to be working. I get no errors and if I manually change the time in the ISY then select SYNCHRONIZE NOW, then the ISY time changes to the present time.


Thank you for your guidance,



Hi Jim,


Thanks so very much for the update. This said, however, I do not think this is going to last since WAN gateway/DNS are changed routinely by your ISP.


With kind regards,



Do you have any suggestions on how to make it last?? As you can tell I don't really understand all this network stuff.




Hi Jim,


Yes! I think the main problem is this:

1. You have a static IP address for your ISY

2. When ISY sends DNS request, your router checks to see if the device (in this case ISY) is a client. Since ISY has a static IP address, the router simply rejects the request since it's not a client



The first thing I would suggest is to check your router's documentation to see if it allows for DHCP/Lease Reservations.


If it does, then what you need to do is:

1. Go back to Admin Console | Configuration | System and change the network settings back to DHCP

2. Go to your router and have it reserve an IP address for ISY


If you are still having issues, please send the model number of your router to support@universal-devices.com and we'll try to help you out.


With kind regards,


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