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Using Query in a Program


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Hi Mark,


During the daytime I run a query on my outside lamps. If one is inadvertently switched on, the periodic query will pick it up and trigger the Daytime Status program.


Note that this is really a belt and suspenders approach. It the Switches are communicating properly, the Daytime Status Program should detect the on condition itself and shut the lamps down after 2 minutes.


Outside Daytime Poll

       From    Sunrise +  1 minute
       To      Sunset  - 10 minutes (same day)
   And Time is Last Run Time for 'Outside Daytime Poll' + 30 minutes

       Set Scene 'SC Outside Sunset' Query

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Daytime Status Off Program

       From    Sunrise +  1 minute
       To      Sunset  - 10 minutes (same day)
   And (
            Status  'Entry Deck' > Off
         Or Status  'Mud KPL 1 - Entry Garage' > Off
         Or Status  'Entry Patio' > Off
         Or Status  'Entry Porch' > Off

       Wait  2 minutes 
       Set Scene 'SC Ouside Night' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Hello MarkGram,


MarkSanctuary nailed the explanation - I am requesting a status update of the members of my "Outside sunset" scene. If one of these devices comes back with a Status of > Off, it will trigger the second program to turn them off after 2 minutes. I do this to ensure that I don't have outside lights burning during the Day (infuriates me).


As I had stated previously, this is a backup (may not be required for most installations). If the insteon system is working properly, the ISY will know whether the lights are on without the separate Query.


I did this because I am using dimmable CFL's for my outside lights. These bulbs generate a lot of noise at lower Dim levels. The noise also varies with outside temperature.


I had a number of occasions during the past winter when the Switches would not respond to the initial off command due to morning temperatures below -10F. The query program is a backup to repeatedly sample/turn off the lights prior to my returning home from work (saves on burst blood vessels in my brain).

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