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Web Server supporting PHP, Python, Ruby, etc?


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Hello all,


Got my ISY-99i a few weeks ago. I love it! I went ahead and purchased the Network Module because I was excited to have a built-in web server.


Unfortunately, so far I have been unable to find out how this web server would become of use for application development.


I would like to code a few Ruby/Python apps and put them on this server for personal use. Is this possible?


If it is not possible, is there a small unit similar to the ISY-99i in size that I could mount in a SMC as an internal web server, running Ubuntu or something? I only ask here because I hope that someone has done this before.




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As far as I know, you can only use the ISY's web space to serve up static HTML, so unless you can work miracles with Javascript, you're out of luck.


Linksys WRT-54GL routers are designed to support custom firmwares that may offer web servers and scripting/programming language support.

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