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Release 2.8.4 Beta is now available

Michel Kohanim

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Hello all,



Release 2.8.4 Beta is now available. Although this firmware has been tested thoroughly, please note that this is still a beta firmware. Please do be kind enough to :

1. Test Linking/Adding Devices/Creating and/or Modifying Scenes and Adjusting Scenes within programs

2. Observe any type of network anomaly


For a list of changes, please take a look at this post:

http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... =6475#6475


Please note that ISY-26 is no longer included in the firmware builds.




1. Please backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY)


2. Please download the firmware for your platform - please do not unzip

ISY 99 Only - http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... _2.8.4.zip


3. It is very important that you use your current ISY's Admin Console to perform the upgrade by going to your http://your.isy.ip.address/admin. For MAC users, if upgrade fails, please try https://your.isy.ip.address/admin


4. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system]


5. Choose the file saved in step 2


6. After the upgrade, ISY reboots. Please do ensure to clear your Java Cache:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


7. IMPORTANT Once upgrade is completed and ISY reboots, use any of the following methods to access your ISY's Admin Console:

a. http://isy/admin - applet (Windows only)

b. http://isy/admin.jnlp - Java application (Windows only)

c. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin - applet

d. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp - Java application

e. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.4 - applet

f. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.4/admin.jnlp - Java application


8. IMPORTANT If you have already installed a self signed certificate and your current firmware is 2.7.10 and below, you must reinstall a new one:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... rtificates



Due to the sensitive nature of supporting MorningLinc, users now must agree to terms and conditions upon Admin Console start up otherwise the dialog keeps popping up every time the Admin Console is started.



Thanks and with kind regards,


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Here is my results after upgrading from 2.8.2 to 2.8.4 since I had issues trying to upgrade to 2.8.3.


I did the upgrade, no error message and clear Java.

When I restarted the console, I got the username password twice from the console (plus once from Java before the console start)

State of devices is not display. WeatherBug is empty. Event viewer level 3, try a query, nothing.


From System folder, I reboot. Did not clear Java.

I restarted the console. Got the username password once (not from Java).

Query at start is running. State of devices are visible. WeatherBug is ok.

Event viewer level 3, try a query, working fine.


Try to use MobiLinc on my iPad.

State of devices, not visible. Try to sync with ISY, could not.

Via previously open Console, try a query again. Error Message: [-5011]Change of state failed: SID not found [uuid]

Try the query again, working fine.

Try to use MobiLinc, failed.

Try to query from console, Request Failed.


Look at the log in Excel. It looks like the Query at restart did work the first time even if there was not state result in the console.


Waiting for further instruction to try to debug this.


More than 100 devices on ISY. PLM v85. 4 modules (Open 010, Weather 020, Networking 040, A10/X10 060). Static IP address.




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Hi Michel,


Here are the results I got after installing 2.8.4


The 1st time opening admin console it took about 40 seconds for the devices to show status. Programs seemed to be running as usual.


The 2nd time opening admin console status of devices took a minute or so to popped up. Again program summary and details popped up after the usual 20 seconds. Also, the batch mode buttons never appeared, neither did they show up under file>.


The 3rd time opening admin console status after 20 seconds the username/password window opened again (it already had my username and password entered, just hit ok). After which red ! appeared next to devices in the left pane. 20 seconds later they disappeared. 4 minutes later the device status still hadn't appeared. Unable to gain access to program summary or program details. Closed it down and retried.


The 4th time opening admin console the username/password didn't pop up for a second time like in the 3rd attempt but device status never appeared either and again no access to program summary or details. At this point I couldn't close the admin window. Had to go into task manager to close.



Using http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.4/admin.jnlp - Java application for the first 4 attempts.


I tried accessing from the internet, no go. I also tried from http://myipaddress, no go.


I tried from the desktop icon again and no go. At this point I am locked out. And it appears programs (or at least some programs are not running).


LED's on the ISY: Power on. All others off. When pressing any SL the RX lights and stays lit for about 10 seconds with the TX flashing breifly then they turn off. Occurs every time a switch is pressed.


At this point I don't know if I should try and reboot or what. Also awaiting further instructions.




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Hi Robin,


Thanks so very much. It's quite odd that you cannot access ISY via MobiLinc but you can safely do so via the Admin Console. Admin console not showing status is related to the fact that ISY was not able to communicate with the Admin Console.


It's very important to clear Java cache. If you are still having issues, please do let me know.


Hi Tim,


Please send an email to support@universal-devices.com. I would like to log in to your system to see what's going on.


With kind regards,


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Hello Michel,


Just upgraded to 2.8.4 from 2.8.2. Clear Java before restarting the console.


- Good news; Current state is there, WeatherBug data is there, MobiLinc on iPad is working. Tested device on/ff via the console having the Event Viewer open. Triggered a program by changing the status of a SwitchLinc. This is fine.


- Bad news; Impossible to access the Program Summary and Program Details folder via the console. The folder title does not even change, it remains Main or Configuration.


Reboot the ISY, reboot my PC, clear Java, and try again. Same result, everything looks it is working fine, but impossible access the two Program folders.


At least I don't need to downgrade.


Thank You again,



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Upgrade went well...looks like all is working fine.



I also had an issue where I coudn't access the program and program summary through the console, I had to uninstall and re-install the java app and all began to funtion correctly. This is the only difference between this and past upgrades.


Thanks UD...



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Hello all,


Sincere apologies for the inconvenience. This problem is repeatable and it's due to a bug in the firmware.


Please either reinstall 2.8.4 (by downloading it again) OR, you can install the firmware only (which is much smaller and quicker to install):

http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... _2.8.4.zip


Again, sincere apologies.


With kind regards,


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I upgraded from 2.8.3 to 2.8.4 with no issues with the installation process. However, I am also having the issue with the Program Summary and Program Details pages being blank and I am unable to access the programs.



Bruce (K7ZPJ)


System Configuration

Intel Core i7

Win 7 64 bit

Java 1.6.0_21

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Hello all,


Sincere apologies for the inconvenience. This problem is repeatable and it's due to a bug in the firmware.


Please either reinstall 2.8.4 (by downloading it again) OR, you can install the firmware only (which is much smaller and quicker to install):

http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... _2.8.4.zip


Again, sincere apologies.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


After the work you did on my ISY yesterday/last night and since I installed the 2.8.4 upgrade you sent me in an email this morning everything appears to be working 100%. Thank you very much.


Do I need to install this firmware also or do I not need to worry about it.


Thanks again,


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Hello Michel,


I try the firmware only. It did not work. Try it again, samething.

I reinstalled 2.8.4 completly. It did not work.

I retried the firmware only twice. Samething, I can see the program folders.


Just out of luck with this version.


Let me know if you want to access remotely.




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All seems to be working locally, however, remote access through the internet does not open the programs details and program summary. This is not the case locally.


Difference is: Local machine is windows 7, while remote is windows XP pro...


Upgraded to the latest firmware 2.8.4


Any Ideas?

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Access remotely using the java ISY finder wors fine and properly displays the programs


Access remotely using HTTPS does not display programs. the main and configuration screens work fine.


I have always used the HTTPS to acces remotely in the past firmware revisions.


Thanks and I welcome any ideas...

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Hi all,


Thanks to a lot of help from gfridland, we found the problem with the invisible programs: Java issues on our side caused invisible compilation errors which were propagated into the firmware.


This has now been fixed. Please download and upgrade again IF AND ONLY IF you have blank Program Summary/Details tabs.


Here's the link:

http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... _2.8.4.zip .


With kind regards,


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Hello Robin,


Thanks so very much for the update!


To answer your question: the issue with the program tabs being blank impacted MOSTLY those who accessed the Admin Console directly from ISY (instead of /99i/.. on our website).


Now, to access anything in ISY, we have to communicate with our file system which, recently, we made a minor modification thereto to improve performance. So,

1. In the first instance (of not being able to get program tabs), the issue was that the performance improvement patch although improved performance but, in rare cases and for larger configurations, actually caused file open errors. So, in the first fix (firmware only) we removed the performance patch

2. During the build process - and unfortunately so - there were some Java mismatch errors that were not reported and thus the full version of #1 above had compile errors. This caused the applet to throw an exception while loading


All and all, the problems could have been completely avoided with more diligence on our side. I do very much apologize for the inconvenience this has caused all those who had to go through multiple firmware updates.


With kind regards,


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