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Release 2.8.8 (RC4 - Code Freeze) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Hello all,


Release 2.8.7 RC4 (Code Freeze) is now available. Although this firmware has been tested thoroughly, please note that this is still a beta firmware. Please do be kind enough to :

1. Test programs especially those that activate notifications

2. Test notifications

3. Test network resources

3. Test stability and observe any type of network anomaly

4. Checkout UI enhancements and fixes



For a list of changes, please take a look at this post:

http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... =6475#6475



1. ISY-26 is no longer included in the firmware builds

2. Code Freeze means that except for sever bugs, no other fixes and enhancements shall be implemented




1. Please backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY)


2. Please download the firmware for your platform - please do not unzip

ISY 99 Only - http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... _2.8.8.zip


3. It is very important that you use your current ISY's Admin Console to perform the upgrade by going to your http://your.isy.ip.address/admin. For MAC users, if upgrade fails, please try https://your.isy.ip.address/admin


4. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system]


5. Choose the file saved in step 2


6. After the upgrade, ISY reboots. Please do ensure to clear your Java Cache:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


7. IMPORTANT Once upgrade is completed and ISY reboots, use any of the following methods to access your ISY's Admin Console:

a. http://isy/admin - applet (Windows only)

b. http://isy/admin.jnlp - Java application (Windows only)

c. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin - applet

d. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp - Java application

e. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.8 - applet

f. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.8/admin.jnlp - Java application


8. IMPORTANT If you have already installed a self signed certificate and your current firmware is 2.7.10 and below, you must reinstall a new one:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... rtificates



Due to the sensitive nature of supporting MorningLinc, users now must agree to terms and conditions upon Admin Console start up otherwise the dialog keeps popping up every time the Admin Console is started.



Thanks and with kind regards,


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Seems to be working good so far.

I got a little scared right after reboot when I logged in a got a dialog about it making changes to devices -please wait. But all seems to be working well.


/r/n is back and the additional characters in REST are great.


Thanks Michel.

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I have been fairly quiet over the past several releases, but the time has come to reveal the continuance of the Black RL Battery Vampire!


(I skipped 2.8.7 because the email situation did not effect me with 2.8.6.)


It was somewhere around 2.8.2 that the battery life started being sucked out of the BLACK RL. Some of you new people probably did not have the wonderful experiece of the Black RL having very short battery life: To catch you up, for a period of time the Black RL's had a battery life of 1-3 days. NO ONE could figure it out...Then it was gone!


Now, you have to understand it DID NOT happen with the Silver RL's just the black ones.


Anyway, for me, it's back. I just up graded to 2.8.8 and will now see if the issue has been resolved.


I know those who experieced this will be interested. Please let me know if you have similar experiences.




Other than that possibly unrelated issue 2.8.8 woks seamlessly.

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upgrade worked good. had to use https:// to make it work from my MAC.


Tried the "trend" function but got no "output file" I'm on a MAC and don't have EXCEL. I can view log files with "NUMBERS". Is it posible to get "trend" to work with "NUMBERS" as well?

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Hi Brignolo,


I could say it's nice to hear from you again except for this issue.


IIRC there was an issue with HouseLinc setting a bit in the RL to make it stay awake. AFAIK the ISY has never set that bit, we use the default 4 minute time-out.


Did you make some changes to the RL recently with the ISY? Did you press the Dim button to exit linking mode?





I have been fairly quiet over the past several releases, but the time has come to reveal the continuance of the Black RL Battery Vampire!


(I skipped 2.8.7 because the email situation did not effect me with 2.8.6.)


It was somewhere around 2.8.2 that the battery life started being sucked out of the BLACK RL. Some of you new people probably did not have the wonderful experiece of the Black RL having very short battery life: To catch you up, for a period of time the Black RL's had a battery life of 1-3 days. NO ONE could figure it out...Then it was gone!


Now, you have to understand it DID NOT happen with the Silver RL's just the black ones.


Anyway, for me, it's back. I just up graded to 2.8.8 and will now see if the issue has been resolved.


I know those who experieced this will be interested. Please let me know if you have similar experiences.




Other than that possibly unrelated issue 2.8.8 woks seamlessly.

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The only thing I did was add a couple of LL to the "Christmas" button on my Black RL. That was a few releases ago.


Did you make some changes to the RL recently with the ISY? Did you press the Dim button to exit linking mode?


And yes, I did press the Dim button to exit the linking mode.



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Hello gogogadgetscott,


I am so very sorry to hear that. This should have not happened since all previous notifications should have been migrated. May I ask what was your original firmware version before upgrading to 2.8.8?




Would you please provide more details as far as what you are looking for. Trend is a Java program. If you wish, you can download the files and save them.


With kind regards,


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Mac OS 10.6.5

Java v. 1.6.0_22-b04-307

Insteon Thermostat Adapter v.91 (v.2.0)

Admin Console v.2.8.8, ISY Firmware upgraded from 2.7.15 to 2.8.8



Thermostat fan state displayed is incorrect. Fan state shows fan is ON when the actual state is AUTO.


One of my thermostats also shows Heat/Cool state info, while the other one does not.


Information displayed correctly in Admin Console 2.7.15 w/ISY firmware 2.7.15

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The Program Details and Program Status tabs will occasionally not show any information in the tabs when you navigate to them. Information will display in the Main and Configuration tabs when this occurs.


No repro steps available yet.



Mac OS X v.10.6.5

Java 1.6.0_22-b04-307. Cache was cleared after installation.

Admin Console v.2.8.8

ISY Firmware v.2.8.8

Upgraded from 2.7.15


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Hello matapan,


Are you sure the fan state every worked in 2.7.15? That would be really odd since there are no APIs to query thermostat's fan state: what you see is what ISY knows about! So, if you or anyone else goes and changes the mode, ISY would not know about it and thus the UI will not be updated.


The program tab issue is Java Cache related.


With kind regards,


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Just Some Feed Back:


1. Love the new icons for sun and the moon. A icon makes it more user friendly for at a glance. Would it be possible to still add the text indicating the meaning in small print below it?


2. Scene Test: Who ever decided to make this change to first initiate the scene on then off. Thank you, as it makes it more fluid, and the human ergonomics expectation is met.


3. Configuration Tab: Once again proper placement for *at a glance* settings are nicely placed and positioned for the viewer to see with out going back and forth.


Lesser used fields are placed lower in the viewer pane. Most excellent! :D


4. Its safe to say, its because of these continued additions and improvements during each firmware release. The open minded thought process of UDI and its members.


This is what keeps this product at the forfront and number one in integration with all of our products.


Well done & much thanks to all the UDI staff . . . :D

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When creating a new folder in the "Main" section of the Administrator the result will be two new folders with the same name.


Steps to reproduce:


1) RMC and choose 'New Folder'

2) Enter folder name

*3) Press Enter key


You should see two folders with the same name.


If you click the OK button with the mouse the problem does not occur.




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Love the changes, but i leave admin console open with the event viewer open, and after 1hr or 2 the event veiwer won't show anything anymore closed the event viewer and reopened and nothing have to shut down the admin console and reopen. I used to leave it open all day so i could check the viewer while troubleshooting.

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Love the changes, but i leave admin console open with the event viewer open, and after 1hr or 2 the event veiwer won't show anything anymore closed the event viewer and reopened and nothing have to shut down the admin console and reopen. I used to leave it open all day so i could check the viewer while troubleshooting.


I have a similar issue. I leave the console open all the time as well and after a few hours it has lost connection and placed excalamation marks next to all of the devices. Shutting down and reopening solves the problem. I would rather have this the old way, where it stays connected.

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Hi Guys,


We will take a look at the double folder issue.


As far as the Admin Console remaining open, I will have to test but now ISY does a lot more things to make sure network connections remain active including periodic check on DHCP status and network link. So, the main question is whether or not anyone of you is on a wired computer and not wireless?


When this happens, would you be kind enough to go to http://your.isy.ip.address/rest/subscriptions to see a list of subscriptions. Is there at least one that has not expired?


With kind regards,


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