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ISY99 & InLineLinc not talking


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Hi all,


I have 4 In-LineLinc Relay's installed in Floodlight fixtures up in the 2nd story corners of the house (not easy to get to). About 2-3 months ago I noticed the ISY started reporting it couldn't communicate with one of them and put the red explanation mark in front of it instead of the light bulb. The strange part of the problem is that the motion sensor still turns it on/off and the KPL's that are linked to it all still work fine.


Last week I upgraded my software from v2.7.15 to v2.8.9 hoping it might somehow recognize the device, but no luck. I tried restoring the device several times with out success, so I decided to delete the device and re-install it. You probably guessed what happened, it won't re-install. When I try to install a new insteon device I put in the address and select [02.10](2475S) In-LineLinc Relay (Auto Discover doesn't work either)

After ~43 secs...I get Failed getting engine version, Reverting to i1


Node not added-failed reading links

(E C1 7F 1)



I tried moving access points to different locations, I tried an access point mounted on the PLM with no success. I had one v35 version Switchlinc Relay in my system, so I replaced it, and I replaced my hardwired X10 phase coupler with a new hardwired SignalLinc phase coupler but still no success.


Any suggestions how I can get the device added back in the ISY without having to physically touch it, since I can't get to it anytime soon.



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Michel’s suggestion is the best approach as it eliminates the possibility the load is causing interference with powerline communication. Since that is difficult location to reach you could try adding an Access Point on the same circuit, as close to the InLineLinc as the electrical circuit allows. It would act as a repeater plus provide for RF communication to that circuit. Might be strong enough to overcome whatever powerline communication exists. I have Insteon devices in a detached garage more than 300’ away so long runs should not be a problem unless there is interference on that particular circuit. If the KeypadLinc is reliably controlling the InLineLinc the Insteon aspects of the device are working. Likely due to the fact that the KPL is closer to the InLineLinc or perhaps on the same 120V leg.


What type of bulbs are being used in the Flood Lights?


EDIT: the above Access Point would be in addition to what you already have. I assume the remainder of the Insteon devices are working . I would not move the existing Access Points that are providing 120V leg coupling.

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I don't know what devices are on the circuit with your PLM (computers, power supplies, surge suppressors, etc), but you may try plugging the PLM into a different outlet and circuit. Use an extension cord as necessary.


I would have expected an access point on the PLM would have helped some, but only if the other access point was on the other phase and near the inlinelincs.


Of course, this suggestion is in addition to those from the others'.

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Thanks all for the suggestions...


I have tried plugging the PLM into the circuit much closer to the Insteon device using a 100ft extension cord and also tried the PLM in various outlets using shorter extension cords, but no luck adding that one InLineLinc Relay back in to the system. I have also tried moving access points (other than the main two) to various locations closer to the actual insteon device, but no luck there either. The InLineLinc that won't communicate with the ISY is still working properly as a responder to a motion sensor, a KPL in the main house and a KPL in a detached garage. I have tried re-installing this InLineLinc in to the ISY program with the floodlights both on and off, but no success.


To answer some of the other questions. All four of the standard flood light fixtures are using incandescent 75W floodlight bulbs. All four of the floodlights are all on the same circuit and yes all other insteon devices are communicating properly including devices in a detached garage 50 or 60 ft from the house and a recreation building some 150 ft from the house.


I only have 4 days left visiting this location, so it may have to wait until the summer months to actually get to the device and load, but I'm open to any other suggestions.

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Hello jeffwild1,


I am sorry that I have to ask this but, at this point - and based on the facts on the ground - I think you might be entering the wrong address for this device. Are you sure you have the correct address? Do you have the Topology report from your previous configurations?


With kind regards,


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Understand why you're asking, but according to my spreadsheet that I track my devices on, the link table of one of the KPL's that is working and the box itself for the device all indicate 0E.C1.7F, so I am sure I have the address correct.

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