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Cannot communicate with...


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My ISY-99i has stopped working, reporting "cannot communicate with.." all of the devices (approx 50 of them, all showing Red!). (I have had operating for 2 years)


I have replaced the PLM with a second unit, following the method on this forum.


Strange items:

>Restore ISY-(I have several backups- the Programs Details do not appear, all mudules and scenes load however.

>All modules show their level as "0" and Ramp Rate of 9m.

> any attempt to change this results in the "Cannot communicate..."


Other items tried:

updated the prog to V2.7.15

Tried to update SSL Certificates: reports: 'failed'


Suggestions as to the next trouble shooting steps?



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Excellent. v85 was a production PLM.


Now, this is what I want you to do please:

1. Make sure you have a good backup with this PLM

2. Identify one of the switches that we can use as test

3. Do a factory reset on ISY (you can use telnet, and then issue FR)

4. Once ISY reboots, try to link the switch we identified in 1

5. If this also fails, then we have to figure out why the signals are not getting to the device

6. If it succeeds, then restore your backup (File | Restore ISY) followed by File | Restore Devices

7. Once 6 is done, make sure you do not have any 0101 green icons on any of the devices on the left


With kind regards,


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Before I did this test I have reinstalled the Smarthome Access Point units to confirm that they are operational. They are indeed working and the LEDs flash showing that various Switchlincs are sending data transmissions.


1. I am using the PLM v85 as suggested

2. I FS'd the ISY by using its internal reset button as I am not familiar with the telenet process; held this button in while reapplying power, waited until the LEDs cycle and the MEM LED remained on; initiating the prog requires ID/PW as admin/admin; all devices areconfirmed as removed.

3. I attempted a link to a Switchlinc by both techniques (Start Linking & Add an Insteon Device-Auto Discover)

4, Both failed with this message:

Small window

>Initializing Sytem-removing links-failed getting engine version, reverting to i1

folloed by:

Error Window

>Failed writing the highwatermark.

>Node not added


During all tests I monitored the AP LED and did not see any data transmissions from the PLM.



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Hello Cliff,


Following up on Michel's request #2 (Identify one of the switches that we can use as test):


If you have a LampLinc or other plug in Insteon device, please try moving this to the same circuit as the PLM and try to link.


If the above works, it should exonerate the PLM/ISY and further indicate that you may have a new noise source/signal absorber in your system (possibly close to the PLM). This doesn't fix anything - it just gives us a direction to head in.



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We are on the same track.

Early this morning I moved the PLM to a different plug location and was able to get my test Switchlincs to register and operate.


I was going to comment after I tried loading the backup program (50+ units); will get to this later today.


Interesting that the PLM was in the same location for over 2 years; nothing new added (lada) in the area; may be the iPhone grelin on Jan 1, 2011??


Will report back after the next test.



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Good news and bad news.



All the modules load and the items are operational.



As reported earlier in my post, none of the program/timers appear. All of my keypads are defined by programs and so these are not operational at this time.


I have loaded earlier versions of my back up with the same results.


Do I missunderstand?

Are not the 'programs' saved along with the "Back Up ISY'?

Is there som other 'program 'switch' I have overlooked?


I can certainly reprogram, but this is a major effort; looking forward to your comments.





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Hello Cliff,


You are correct that the programs should be saved with the back-up. There were some problems with earlier versions of the ISY firmware, but this was some time ago.


I recently performed an upgrade and "appeared" to have lost my programs as well. Please use the following (standard) procedure:


1) Exit all browser windows

2) Clear your Java Cache

3) Re-start your browser/admin console.


I understand that you've been using the ISY for some time and am not trying to be insulting here. Nonetheless, it's sometimes the little things that trip us up. If this doesn't work, we'll need Michel's/UDI help.

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I performed the steps mentiond. The missing programs have not been recovered.


I have tnow ested ISY in this way:

I created a new simple program and backed up; after deleleting the programs steps and saving I then Restored the last back up. The simple program steps did return. We therefore know that the ISY is working correct.


Now, to discover where my past programs are not loading.


I have an huge archive of backups and none of them appear to be recovering the "programs" data.



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Hello Cliff,


I'm afraid we'll need help from the UDI team on this one. I'm not aware of any backup problems with the ISY 2.7.15 version. What version were you using previously? It's possible that your "old" version was not properly saving programs, or there is an incompatibility between versions.


Either way, we need the UDI team to confirm.

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Hi Cliff,


I am so happy to hear the good news and so sad to hear the bad. I wished I had requested and/or asked whether or not you have an official release (or 2.8.10). There was a bug in 2.6.10 and above where the programs were not being backed up.


To check if your backup has any programs, unzip the backed up file and look for a directory called CONF/D2D ... see if there are any programs in there.


I am so very sorry ...


With kind regards,


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can I get some items cleared up before I start to reprogram.


I have restored the most recent backup

1. As we know, we do not have any of the the progs recovers

2. I am now using v2.7.15

3. when I restore from a previous backup (before the PLM was replaced), do I need to store the PLM again because of this older format date?

The reason I ask this is that while the scenes appear after the restore ISY, they are not executable. Trying to change any of the parameters (level/ramp) a error is reported. I have tried to restore the PLM at this stage and there is some improvement, but not conclusive at this time. The invididual Insteon moduels do respond from their respective icons


When I restore PLM (after having performed a Restore ISY) the green 1011 icons appear but all do not dissapear when complete. Is this an issue?


SO.. I would like to start from scratch to get as much as I can recovered.


Can you give me the steps:

1. with the new PLM unplugged, I want to clear the ISY; I will use the internal push button to do this, holding it while power is applied.



Should I restore PLM or restore ISY first?

Assuming the PLM is properly restored/registered, does restoring the older version ISY file mean that the PLM needs to be retored again?


Again, can you give me the significane of the green icon?



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Hi Cliff,


Please see my comments below.


With kind regards,




can I get some items cleared up before I start to reprogram.


I have restored the most recent backup

1. As we know, we do not have any of the the progs recovers

2. I am now using v2.7.15

3. when I restore from a previous backup (before the PLM was replaced), do I need to store the PLM again because of this older format date?

Yes, that's the only way ISY will be in synch with the new reality. But, you have to make sure the backup indeed has all the scenes devices you have configured. Also, the process is:

1. Restore your backup

2. Reboot with the new PLM

3. File | Restore Modem (PLM)

If you have battery operated devices then put them all in Linking mode. If you have the Pro series, then make sure the battery icon is grayed out.


The reason I ask this is that while the scenes appear after the restore ISY, they are not executable. Trying to change any of the parameters (level/ramp) a error is reported. I have tried to restore the PLM at this stage and there is some improvement, but not conclusive at this time. The invididual Insteon moduels do respond from their respective icons

Scenes will not work without devices having the correct link for the PLM and ISY having the correct PLM address for their relationships.


When I restore PLM (after having performed a Restore ISY) the green 1011 icons appear but all do not dissapear when complete. Is this an issue?

Yes, it is an issue. It basically means that ISY tried to program those devices but could not; there are some pending programming that needs to be done so you must right mouse click on the device and then choose Write Pending updates.


SO.. I would like to start from scratch to get as much as I can recovered.


Can you give me the steps:

1. with the new PLM unplugged, I want to clear the ISY; I will use the internal push button to do this, holding it while power is applied.



Should I restore PLM or restore ISY first?

Assuming the PLM is properly restored/registered, does restoring the older version ISY file mean that the PLM needs to be retored again?


Again, can you give me the significane of the green icon?

Please follow the steps I outlined above.

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