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Faster Scroll Speed?


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This is probably just my laziness but I was wondering if there might be a way that you could speed up the scroll speed in scenes that have many device members? I realize I can click in the scroll bar to perform a page down/up function but it would nice if the speed were faster as it is in other software programs.


Just a suggestion!


Thank you, sir,

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Hello Mike R.,


We have tried numerous techniques to make this faster but, unfortunately, Java is not cooperating!


With kind regards,



Well, shame on Java!!!!!


Thanks anyway,

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I noticed this as well. With one of the firmware updates you did maybe 6 months the list of displayed devices got a lot shorter when using the "replace with" command.


So now if the device is down the alphabet, you have to sit and wait on the down arrow forever.


I liked it better when it showed like 30 devices all at once, much lower chance of scrolling needed and much less scrolling when needed.

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