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HANG while updating devices


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OK the WRITING and 1010 disappeared, and a message popped up:


Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.



Does that mean that some device's tables are corrupted/incomplete?


What do I do next?


* Orest

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Hi Orest,


Apologies for tardy reply.


Whatever you do, do NOT factory reset nor should you take any ohter drastic measures.


Can you tell me the status of the LEDs on the front of the unit when this happened?


Basically, there can be two explanations:

1. Lost network connectivity to ISY

2. ISY is way too busy to handle your request


With kind regards,


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Nothing drastic done.


I closed down the ISY Java program, and that took a bit of effort, restarted and all the 1010's and WRITING were gone.


I can't be sure what the lights were during the episode, but currently the single green light is ON, flashing when the Java app contacts it.


As far as I can tell, the units appear to be operating normal, but that is hardly much of a test.


I think it was #2, ISY was way to busy. It was a very large scene I was updating. If that is the case, then perhaps I don't have a problem?


* Orest

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I can't say for sure as I was at 2.8.10 when I started having issues with it hanging and "writing" for a long time. However, mine sounds slightly different in that if I wait long enough it all works. So for example, if I change anything in any scene it goes to the normal "system busy" while it shows the progress bar of the change. What used to happen in a few seconds now takes a couple minutes. When that progress finishes it seems to do another writing session for a similar amount of time. Then when that's done, it starts the writing that other user spoke of. While waiting for it to begin that writing, everything seems fine. There is a long lag time between finishing the "system busy" progress and then the "writing" that goes on the left side of many of the modules in the list. Eventually it finishes and things works but changing anything at all now takes me five to ten minutes. Pretty frustrating! Please help.


Running Mac snow leopard with version 2.8.14 right now (just upgraded it) with no change in behavior.

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Hello chillow,


The problem is that one (or more) of your devices are out of synch with ISY and ISY is trying to synch with them (writes all pending changes to the device). Please take a look at your device tree (to the left) and look for any green 0101 icon. Disable those and see if there's an improvement.


If there's an improvement, then we have to figure out why ISY has a hard time communicating with those devices.


With kind regards,


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