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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

EZIO vs 2450 questions


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A lot has been posted on the EZIO's, it seems that from 2.8.8 on, most of the issues have been settled.




Independently sense status of two garage doors, both will have a contact switch mounted.


Proposed Method


The units would be linked in to the ISY for status. I am debating whether to get two 2450 IOLincs, or perhaps just one EZIO2X4. I don't need the other inputs/outputs of the EZIO, but cost is similar and having one box is tidier.





I am a little concerned that you might need to poll the EZIO unit to get status, whereas the 2450 like any other insteon device should just send the status immediately on a change. Also about any other issues that still remain with the EZIO family.


Appreciate any guidance on this.


* Orest




There is no need to poll the Inputs for status of the EZIOxx device. Prior to 2.8.1 the varying size of internal PLM memory was causing the link records the ISY established for receiving Input state changes were not working. Starting with 2.8.1 the ISY determines the internal PLM memory size when an SHN device is added to the ISY.


There is a hole in the EZIOxx device support. The ISY supports configuring the output relay delay time on the I/O Linc. This is necessary when controlling the garage door opener. The ISY does not have support to configure the EZIOxx output timers. The free Simplehomenet Utility Suite can be used to do the configuration. The SHN Utility requires a PC running windows software and a PLC, PLM or EZSrve for powerline interface.



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