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Official Firmware Release: 2.8.16

Michel Kohanim

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Hi Walt,


Also, it seems that there's something in the configuration that ISY does not like. If you continue having problems, please:

1. Revert to 2.7.15

2. Change your password to admin/admin

3. Backup your ISY

4. Send the backup to support@universal-devices.com


I do apologize for the inconvenience.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


Today I updated from 2.7.15 to 2.8.16. Everything went smoothly but I noticed two changes in behavior.


The first change concerns email notifications. I use a server that requires authentication, which I know you do not support. I was able to get things working with the help from others on the forum by using port 587 and with TLS checked. After the upgrade to 2.8.16, email notifications no longer worked. (It may be helpful to also point out that the "Test" button did send test messages but the Notify commands in programs did not work.)


I tried unchecking TLS and notifications began working again. This is not a problem now but I thought I should report it because it is a change.


The second may not be a change but it is a problem I had not noticed before. I have used customized notifications on another ISY running 2.8.10. With the upgrade on this ISY, I began setting up customized notifications. Sometimes changes would not be saved. At first I thought I might have clicked on "Cancel" by mistake or not clicked on "Save" but I took extra care to ensure I did click on the right buttons. There are changes I made that were lost.


This problem occurred several times but it does not occur all the time.


I have not noticed any other problem.

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Hi Michel,


I did some testing today with custom notifications but could not recreate the problem. You should probably disregard my report unless it happens again.


I have one other thought. I did have a few other problems until I deleted all of the UDI Java certificates. I had thought I did not need to delete them since I was upgrading from 2.7.15. After deleting those certificates, the other problems disappeared. I believe I had problems with custom notifications both before and after deleting the certificates but I am not certain. If this could explain the problem, then I believe that probably is what happened.

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Hi Illusion,


Can you copy/paste your program and the email content here?


With kind regards,



Test Notify Program:

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Send Notification to 'Gmail' content 'Test'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Successful email content:

Name: test

Subject: test



Deleted word "test" in body and replaced with "${alert.node.addr}" and saved.


Failed email content:

Name: test

Subject: test



Deleted "${alert.node.addr}" and put the word "test" in its place and saved.


Successful email content:

Name: test

Subject: test



Deleted the word "test" and put "${alert.control} in its place and saved.


Failed email content:

Name: test

Subject: test



Deleted "${alert.control}" and put the word "test" in its place and saved.


Successful email content:

Name: test

Subject: test



Deleted the word "test" in subject and put "${alert.group.name} in its place and saved.


Successful email content:

Name: test



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Failed email content:

Name: test

Subject: test



Hi Illusion,


One of the existing rules is that if the body contains no data, the email is not sent.


In your example, the value for ${alert.control} turns out to be empty, and since there is nothing else in the body, the entire body contains no data, and therefore the email is not sent out.

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Thank you Chris and Michel. This explains the behavior I have been experiencing.


And on another note. Daylight Saving Time. Spring forward today. This program failed to run:


Switch Backlights Day:

       From    Sunrise - 29 minutes
       To      Sunset  + 29 minutes (same day)
   And Program 'Away Flag' is False
   And Program 'Keypads are Dim' is True

       Run Program 'Backlight level Bright' (Then Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Backlight level Bright:

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set 'Bedroom / Wake / Wake 3AM' On 15 / Off 7 (Backlight Level)
       Set 'Bathroom / Bathroom Shower Fan' 0% (Backlight Level)
       Set 'Front Yard / Front Porch KPL' On 15 / Off 7 (Backlight Level)
       Set 'Livingroom / HVAC KPL' On 15 / Off 7 (Backlight Level)
       Set 'Livingroom / Livingroom KPL - On' On 15 / Off 7 (Backlight Level)
       Set 'Livingroom / Livingroom Mantle' 0% (Backlight Level)
       Set 'Livingroom / Livingroom Overheads' 0% (Backlight Level)
       Set 'Back Yard / Back Porch Middle Low' On 15 / Off 7 (Backlight Level)
       Run Program 'Keypads are Dim' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Program Summary shows Last Run and Last Finish for Switch Backlights Day as Sun 2011/03/13 7:11:33 AM


Program Summary for Backlight level Bright shows Last Run and Last Finish as blank.


I manually ran the then portion of Switch Backlights Day to get the backlights bright today. As this is the first time the program has failed in this manner I assume it is related to DST.

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Hi Illusion,


Thanks. The fact that the first program ran means that evaluation was successful (for the time). The fact that the second program didn't run was probably because Away Flag and Keypads are Dim did not evaluate properly.


Can you check the status of those two flag programs?


With kind regards,


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Too late for me to evaluate now as those conditions have changed, but I thought it was interesting that the last run and last finish times were blank.


As that program ran last night it is odd to not have a value in that field.


My ISY is on back-up power and does not cycle off even for a split second as it is actually running off the battery at all times. (online back-up power source).


May not have anything to do with DST change, but thought I would report it here in case others have similar issues.

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Illusion, thanks for posting. Had you not posted I probably would have blown these events off and not looked any further.


I had a similar thing happen this morning. My sprinklers didn't run. When I looked into the admin console>program summary many of the Last Run Time and Last Finished Time slots were not populated (much like I see after a reboot). I know for a fact quite a few of those programs did run yesterday and those time slots should have been populated. In fact I looked thru the logs this morning looking for a series of queries thinking perhaps we might have had a brief power outage sometime in the night which would have rebooted the ISY, but the only queries were the scheduled program run at 1:15AM.



Edit: I just checked for the oldest last run time in the program summary and it was at 4:28 AM today, it has been at least 2 days since I have rebooted the ISY and some programs had been run yesterday that haven't run today yet.


The plot thickens. The log shows no activity after the 1:15AM query until 4:08 AM this morning. My wife got up around 3:45 AM to let the dogs out at which time she turned a couple of KPL and SL lights on then off when she came back to bed. She said she got back up a little after 4 which would seem to correlate with the 4:08 logging. But there wasn’t any log activity before that.


When I checked the time in the admin console this morning is was at the correct time.

Also, I didn’t realize until after I posted that this is the 2.8.16 section, I am on 3.1.0




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I upgraded to 2.8.16 a few days ago and I'm seeing the following error pop up every once in a while while in the Console:


"Socket Open Failed javax.net.sll.SSLException: Server selected improper ciphersuite SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL"



Any ideas?



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In a program if you try to set a keypadlinc button on or off it gives you choices to set the backlight.


I like my LED brightness at 1 when off so I have them all set to 15 on and 1 off.


If I want to set on can I assume I set to 15/1 and off as 0/1?


I tried putting into scenes which you can then turn on or off but I have too many scenes and trying to cut back.



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Hi belias,


Yes, if you have a self signed certificate, please reinstall it using:



macjeff, please note that KPL backlight is only supported on the newer KPLs.


On is a function of off ... so, whatever you choose for the Off level is going to impact the On level.


And, you cannot change the backlight levels in scenes. You can turn them on/off but not the actual backlight.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


Sorry for the late reply...


I tried your suggestion a few days ago (re-installing the self signed certificate), and I am still getting similar errors. I've also tried the normal steps of clearing the Java cache, trying from a different machine, power cycling the ISY, etc.


Here's the message I see now: "Socket Open Failed javax.net.ssl.SSLException: server 'finished' message doesn't verify"


Also - I'm not sure it's related but I had an issue accessing programs the other day as well. Whenever I would go into Program Summary or Program Details, the list would be blank. The only way I could get it back was to Reboot the ISY (from the admin console).


Thanks for the excellent support as always.


- Brian

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Hi Brian,


Thanks so very much for the update. This is quite odd and I am not sure what could be causing it.


We can try two things:

1. Remove your self signed certificate (please contact tech@universal-devices.com for instructions)

2. Or, I can try connecting to your system remotely and checkout what's going on


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...
I upgraded from .15 yesterday and it seems I have a problem similar to one I had several revisions back.


It seems that after the ISY is running for some period of time, I lose IP connectivity to the ISY. It works after a power off/on but then notice it will stop responding to any requests.


What information is needed to help isolate this instead of just powering it off and back on?




I am still having issues with IP connectivity. Is anyone else having these problems? I noticed that I still have ISY programs that are working, I just can't browse to the ISY, ping it and my Elk integration is totally broken. Only comes back after a reboot of the ISY.


I have verified the network side of things.


I'm having a similar problem. I can ping my ISY, but I'm unable to navigate to http://isy or http://ip-address. I reboot the ISY and connectivity is restored, but will stop working after a while.


-- David

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  • 2 weeks later...


As my system has been working fine, I have not done any upgrades since I installed my ISY99, presently running 2.7.15. I don't remember if I installed a SSL certificate or not.. is there a way to check? Do I need to worry about it with my software rev? I did an ISY backup, is there anything else I need to do before I upgrade?


Thank you,



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Hi Jim,


Please go to https://your.isy.ip.address and see if you are prompted to accept a certificate ... please click on the certificate button on your browser to view the certificate and if it is UDI Default Certificate, then you are OK.



With kind regards,


Hi Michel,

I was not prompted to accept a certificate and when I checked under "view Certificates" I could not find one listed as UDI anything. Seems to me that some time ago I got a pop up window when logging into my console indicating something had expired and did I want to let program run anyway, I think I said yes. That message has not popped up again since. If it matters, I am running Firefox for a browser.


Thank you,



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Hi Jim,


Go for the upgrade. You should be OK.


With kind regards,



Thanks for your help, I did the upgrade Sunday morning, left town 30 minutes later. I am still out of town. :) I have not heard any complaints from the miss's, so I guess everything is working fine.



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