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I am trying to modify existing programs, and when I log into the administrative console, no programs show - summary or detail.

I have tried to backup/upgrade the ISY, and it fails with:


Socket Open Failed java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 4




Upgrade Failed :Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)


I have rebooted the ISY (though not the PLM) - problem still exists...


Diagnostics show:


PLM Info/Status - F.D6.93 v92 / Connected


File System Status


Active: Yes

Total : 507 MB

Reserved : 50 MB

Used : 10 MB

Bad : 0 B

Free : 445 MB



About - v2.8.5


Searched the forums, not sure what to do. Sorry if this is a major repeat.




OK - now it's getting strange....

I've been banging on this - on and off - for the past few weeks. Haven't had much time to debug - and the programs are working - just can't make changes. Right now, I'm accessing remotely... Getting java failure when trying to connect, so used the FINDER program, and connected right away, and got the failures listed above. Just for laughs, tried once again after posting this question to get a backup and - this time it worked! Then I tried an automatic update and got the same "update failed" message (at ~95%). After the backup - though, I WAS able to see the programs...



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Hello cmerlino,


Apologies for the inconvenience. This all points to two things:

1. Java cache issues

2. Firewall software on your computer


This is what I recommend:

1. Clear your Java cache http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache

2. Go to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/admin.jnlp

3. Click on the Add button and at the httpS URL to your ISY (i.e.

4. Once added, double click on the https line

5. Login to the Admin Console

6. Try the backup and upgrade again


The reason we are going through this is that some firewall software do not block https traffic.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,

Tried this 3 different ways with different results.


1 - remotely from work from Windows 7 machine - was able to backup, but the upgrade failed at 95% (whatever firewall they are running there...)


2 - local from Vista 32bit + Norton 360 (firewall and auto-protect disabled for 1 hour) - was not able to backup, "network connection not available", upgrade got the "Socket open failed..." message.


3 - local from XP + Norton 360 (disabled same as Vista) - not able to backup, "Socket open failed..." message AND this time, did not have the auto-update option or message. (this machine always had problems with ISY - generally could not save programs from here).


What next??



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Hi Chris,


Please note that disabling firewall does not help with packet filtering. Is it possible to make sure that your ISY is in the trusted/white list on your firewall?


If you don't mind, would you please send your URL (and change userid/password to admin/admin) to tech@universal-devices.com. I'll try to upgrade remotely and then we'll figure out the next steps.


With kind regards,


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