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How do you view the log without Excel?


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I don't have Excel and can't view the log. Lotus 123 (yes, there are some people that use this) chokes on the ISY XLS output. Wordpad sees the XLS code and shows nothing intelligible.


Not having seen what the Excel presentation actually looks like, I'm at a loss as to why you would need to use a spreadsheet to list a log file. Is this to format the output in columns and rows or to produce a three-dimensional layered organization?

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I can't view it in Excel either because the version on my home machine is too old (2000). There are macros in there to be able to sort the entries via drop-down, but my version chokes on them. My work laptop has 2003, works fine.

It does show up also, when you generate the log, as an .rtf Word file. In my case, it is at the following path:


C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\UDReport.rtf


Not much on formatting, but the information is there.

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So if I understand this correctly, the XML entries of the log are sent to Excel in a recent Excel format by having an XLS extension on the output. This all came up because I suddenly wondered if I had any errors in the log file and that I may have been flying blind with respect to that possibility.


Mark, thanks for the Word suggestion, but how would someone get the XLS output to Word. By changing the program associated with the XLS extension? I don't have Word either (I have WordPerfect because I'm really old school) so it doesn't help me, but might help someone else.


Jim, thanks for the location of that rtf file. At least, I found it and could read it with WordPad. I see the log file only logs Insteon activity. I've over a month of activity to review and check the error codes.



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I am so very sorry for the problems and issues. If you do not have Excel (and are running Windows), currently the only way to get to your logs is as jgraziano suggested. On MAC/Linux, you are given the log file as is.


We do have a requirement to provide this function without Excel on Windows so, please do be kind enough to use jgraziano's suggestion as a workaround.


With kind regards,


So if I understand this correctly, the XML entries of the log are sent to Excel in a recent Excel format by having an XLS extension on the output. This all came up because I suddenly wondered if I had any errors in the log file and that I may have been flying blind with respect to that possibility.


Mark, thanks for the Word suggestion, but how would someone get the XLS output to Word. By changing the program associated with the XLS extension? I don't have Word either (I have WordPerfect because I'm really old school) so it doesn't help me, but might help someone else.


Jim, thanks for the location of that rtf file. At least, I found it and could read it with WordPad. I see the log file only logs Insteon activity. I've over a month of activity to review and check the error codes.



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We do not use XML in the logs.


With kind regards,


The trick here is Excel has to have the XLM filter to bring XML into Excel. Excel by its self would not view it without the built in filter which I think is "being" installed with the default install of the Office disk. So if the free viewer has the built in filter with it will work.
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We do have a requirement to provide this function without Excel on Windows so, please do be kind enough to use jgraziano's suggestion as a workaround.

Michel, thanks. It hasn't been that much of a problem. I'm all set now with a WordPad shortcut to UDReport.rtf as per jgraziano so all is golden. :)

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