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Insteon Thermostat Adapter not working anymore???


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Good afternoon,


It looks like my Rev. 2.0 Insteon Thermo Adapter is acting up or failing. ISY would not communicate with it anymore (red exclamation point in the tree). So I removed it from my ISY, factory-resetted both the Venstar thermo and the Insteon adapter and tried re-adding it to my ISY. No joy... I end up with:


Failed writing the highwater mark [-200000/-1]

Node not added - failed removing links [-200000/-9]


I think I've tried every method: Start linking... New Insteon Device/Autodiscover... New Insteon Device/[05.03] (2441V) INSTEON Thermo Adapter... New Insteon Device/[05.09] (2441V-SP) INSTEON Thermo Adapter...


I've tried linking the adapter with the thermo on or off and/or with the adapter in linking mode or not. Still nothing.


I know my two access points are working fine because I have no problem using my RemoteLinc.


Any other ideas?




Did you make sure that your thermostat is in OFF mode before linking? If so, and if you are certain that you are within range of your access points, then I have to believe that the dongle has gone bad.


With kind regards,



Yes. I tried both OFF and ON modes. And my nearest AP is two meters away. I even swapped my two APs, thinking the one close to the thermo adapter might have gone bad. No results.


Something is odd, though. I can manually link the adapter and a RemoteLinc to turn on and off the furnace fan, or even activate the heat mode. (ISY's Event Viewer does not report any activity when I activate or deactivate the fan or heat mode.) But I cannot get the adapter to link to a nearby KPL. So it looks like I have partial communication with the adapter, but ISY just won't see it.


Anything else I could try?


Hi Traditore,


Do you have any other RF devices? If so, do they respond?


I suspect the dongle itself but it might be the Access Points that's why testing against other RF devices would be quite useful.


With kind regards,



Right now, the dongle is my only RF device. Well, I do have two RemotLincs and they work just fine, but I don't know if we can consider them to be RF devices in the same sense as the dongle since they only TX and don't RX.


A few minutes ago, I called the Insteon Gold Line (I was on hold for barely two minutes!) and they had me plug one of my access points into the pass-thru outlet of my PLM. Lo and behold, ISY now detects the dongle...


I don't like the idea of having an AP permanently plugged into my PLM, but I hear a few people here are set up like this. Things were fine and dandy before and I can't understand why it changed suddenly.


I'll probably put the AP back where it was before and see what happens then.




but I don't know if we can consider them to be RF devices in the same sense as the dongle since they only TX and don't RX.

Although the RemoteLinc has no Responder function it does receive RF messages. Every Group command sent from the RemoteLinc must receive an ACK message from the controlled device(s).




When I put the AP back where it was before, I still couldn't communicate with the dongle anymore. Fortunately, I found another outlet where the dongle works and won't have to leave it plugged into the PLM.


@LeeG You are absolutely right. I was thinking about the Responder function when I replied and poorly chose my words.

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