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Scene not activating at a certain time, limited log details


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Here is my "wakeup" program.

       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       Time is  7:45:00AM

       Set Scene 'Master Bedroom / Wakeup' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

But the lights don't turn on at that time. This is all the log has around that time period.

Scene:Master Bedroom / Wakeup	On	255	Tue 2011/03/22 07:45:00 AM	Program	Log
Master Bedroom / Dan's Lamp	Status	100%	Tue 2011/03/22 07:45:00 AM	System	Log
Master Bedroom / Dan's Lamp	Off	0	Tue 2011/03/22 07:45:10 AM	Program	Log


Is there any way to increase the detail of the logs so I can see what's turning it off?

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The Admin Console Event Viewer (Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer) with the Device communications events option selected provides the most detail available. With a 10 second interval between the Scene running and the device status of Off there may be another Program that is being triggered by the change in device(s) status. You can also right click on the Scene name and run a Diagnostics | Scene Test. This test is more extensive regarding Insteon commands issued. If another Program is causing the problem the other Programs can be disabled to see if the problem stops.

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How can I view what programs are running in the logs? The logs just say "Program".


The Admin Console Event Viewer (Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer) with the Device communications events option selected provides the most detail available. With a 10 second interval between the Scene running and the device status of Off there may be another Program that is being triggered by the change in device(s) status. You can also right click on the Scene name and run a Diagnostics | Scene Test. This test is more extensive regarding Insteon commands issued. If another Program is causing the problem the other Programs can be disabled to see if the problem stops.
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Hello j0dan,


Unfortunately you cannot.


With kind regards,



Will this be added in future versions? Even if it's by syslog.


Some type of detailed logging needs to be added. Troubleshooting manually is quite a chore and will only get worse as my system gets more complex.

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