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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

HELP - system is hung


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Although peripheral scenes are working, the ISY is not responding correctly.


I loaded the interface, it pops up, the devices are listed, but there is a continuous "System Busy" notice, with the following below:


[ X10] P1


I do have one X10 unit left, a motion, and it does send a P1 code.


I cannot get into "Programs" tab at all, it just cycles continuously with the Loading Programs box.


I tried rebooting the ISY, no change.


There is no ERROR light, the POWER light is ON, there was a flickering of the Rec and Send lights, and now there is just an occasional flickering of the REC light.



What next?


* Orest


Whoa, just got into the Programs tab, all is still there.


Now the System busy dialog looks like it is executing all the things that were not done in the last little bit.


A whole bunch of programs are active, maybe 20 out of 120 or so.


Is this just waking up from a hard hang of some sort?


* Orest


I tried executing some short programs with a right-click/run-"then", that hung the interface, also the program did not have its normal effect.


I pulled the TStat modules to reboot them, no change to the situation.


* Orest


Restarted the java interface. Devices and variables are listed, but looks like the programs are all gone now. I do have a backup.


Java interface just hung again.


* Orest


OK, cannot access the ISY not at all, the "connecting" icon just keeps whirling.


The ISY shows the power and receive light on continuously.


I'm going to leave it like that for bit, hopefully someone will have a suggestion.


If the ISY and/or the PLM is toast, will need to order a new one I guess.


* Orest


Hello Orest,


Whatever you do, please do NOT restore ISY, Devices, or the PLM YET.


Based on what you describe, I think the problem might be a program going through an infinite loop or the PLM.


To test the PLM scenario, please reboot your ISY with the PLM unplugged. Once you login, you should see a pop that your System is in Safe Mode. In Safe Mode programs will NOT run and therefore you can check the status of your devices. Make sure there are no devices with 01010 green icons and, if there are, disable all of them and then reboot with the PLM.


If not in Safe Mode, then the only way to figure out what's wrong with your system is factory reset (since you have a backup, then it should not be a problem). If after factory reset everything works, then in all likelihood the problem is a looping program. If factory reset does not work , then you have a defective unit.


With kind regards,



Thanks for the speedy reply!


I have figured out the problem. There were three clues, the first two ..



continuous Receive ON light (ISY)


X10 - P1 in the alert box



I have two X10 devices left, the motion in the front sends P1 with motion. I went out and pulled the power on the device. Tried everything else, still no change.


As I was looking at the ISY (in the utility room) I noticed that the X1 active bridge was continually flickering its activity light. I turned off its breaker, and checked the ISY


The Receive light went OUT!


I ran up and rechecked the admin interface, it was working again, and further the ISY was responding to commands and programs.



So there you have it, the problem was the active X10 bridge jamming the powerline network, and more specifically overloading the ISY. The bridge may be faulty, or it may have been a one off.


I'm inclined to pull it, perhaps put in a passive Signallinc -- any thoughts on that?


And, thanks for the safe mode suggestion, I will tuck that away! I was also careful to abide by your repeated advice to NOT factory restore the PLM or ISY. Certainly on the mark here.




* Orest


The HCA02-10E. Has been known to cause signal firestorms with X10s CM15A.


I have not seen anything directly on it with Insteon signals. Though Insteon signals start 800us before Zero Crossing and extend past it. X10 starts at Zero Crossing so it maybe possible the HCA02-10E is misinterpreting the Insteon signals as an X10 one.


Was the signal stream a P1 On then a P1 Off?

It has a signal test function where it sends P1 On then P1 Off. When a test button is pushed. Until the button is pushed again or a valid X10 signal is received by it.


I didn't capture it other than by noting what was in the ISY dialog/advice box that popped up. That was P1 ON only. I should have put my tester on.


It may be in the ISY log, I have not looked yet.


The X10 motion, I'm pretty sure, sends only a P1 (or whatever is set) ON.


* Orest


Most of the X10 motion senors send an Off after a preset timeout.

Most also have a Dusk Dawn sensor. Where it uses the next highest unit code. Like your P1, dusk dawn is P2. At dusk P2 On is sent and at dawn P2 Off is sent.


Ah, it may indeed send an ON/off pair.


The dusk/dawn you can set to send or not, and can define the code offset in this box. I did have it set at P8 I believe, but don't use it any more.


* Orest

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