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ISY Locks Up Frequently


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I am sure this is not a new topic but I will ask anyway. I have been using my ISY for about a year now and in most cases, it's great until recently. I have been getting frequent lock up/freeze. I would have to do a hard boot to get it back. It happens about 1-3 times a month where I didn't see it that often before. I do have an ELK "linked" to the ISY. It's not due to rebooting ELK which I know causes ISY to freeze.


Any ideas. I can't figure a pattern on when it happens. I'm running version v2.8.16.




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Thanks bktong, please do keep us posted.


Lately, we have also seen at least a couple of cases of EZxxx devices bombarding the network to the point that the PLM/ISY become VERY VERY slow to unresponsive. In case of ISY, you will see UDQFull which indicates queues are getting filled up. ISY recovers if EZxx is removed.


So, if you have EZxxx devices, please check your error logs. Furthermore, you will find a lot of information in error log which might help with diagnosis.


With kind regards,


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Ok, it locked up again today (version 3.1.3 now) but the Error Log (pulldown from Tools tab) shows only entries from 5 hours ago. Since I have to do a hard boot, does it retain any memory right before it crashes? What log?



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Not sure if it helps but I had a while back some SwitchLinc Timer switches that went bad which made the ISY lockup until I removed and replaced them with new regular SwitchLinc switches. I did not figure this out though until I unlinking a bunch of the switches from the ISY to systematically isolate the problem.

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