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- Scene on levels and ramp rates will not take when scene is selected. I'm getting "Error: Request Failed" when attempting to adjust. They don't save when I return to the scene.


Hi backinthelab. I believe we're seeing a very similar problem!


See my thread here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6668&start=0


Do you mind seeing if your link tables between the device and ISY don't match as well? Keep in mind that after a "restore device" the links should match, but may be incorrect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I add an I/O Linc Relay to a scene, it adds it at 0% reversing the logic. I think it should be added at 100% like other devices but that is not my core concern. The main problem is that now the ISY status of the device is always wrong until a query.


I do not have trigger reverse selected. I add the relay node to a scene. It is in at 0% by default. If I turn the scene on, the ISY will report the status of the device as on, when in fact it is off. If I turn the scene off the relay will turn on, but the ISY will report the device as off. In either case when I manually query or the nightly query takes place, the status of the device will change to its actual condition, running any programs that look to this device for conditions.


I do not have a concern with the flipping of the conditions, just with the ISY being incorrect about the status of the device.

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The ISY is reporting the last command sent to the I/O Linc relay. The fact that the relay turns On with an Off command and Off with an On command is not a consideration, it is only reflecting the last command issued. The Relay status as reported by the ISY will also be wrong when using one of the Momentary modes as the I/O Linc turns the Relay Off and does not notify the ISY of the change. Like the Trigger Reverse situation, Query returns the true state of the Sensor and the true state of the relay regardless of the command that got it that way.


The only way to prevent the state switch with a Query is to run without Trigger Reverse on the Sensor and 100% On Level with the Relay. There is no work around for Momentary mode turning the Relay Off short of doing a Query.

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I understand.


Then allow me to amend my concern to the UI defaulting to setting the level of the relay to 0% when adding to scenes. If we are going to do something that messes up statuses it would be nice if it were something in which we had to actively participate. I know I assumed that adding the relay to the scene would have the relay turn on when the scene were turned on, and off when the scene was turned off. It was indeed an easy fix, but I think the default is counter-intuitive. I was shocked when my system woke me up in the early am due to an alarm because the HVAC system was running when it should not have been. I had not paid attention to the on level the relay defaulted to when adding to the scene. I assumed it would add at 100% like other devices.


Edit: Wait. Lee, I added a lamp to a scene. I adjusted its scene level to 0%. I turned the lamp on. Status shows 100%. I turn the scene on, status changes to off as the lamp turns off. Why would not the same logic work and make sense for a relay?

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I agree completely with the thought the On Level should default to 100% for the I/O Linc relay.


The LampLinc and most other Insteon devices do not command reverse when the On Level is 0%. A Scene On turns the LampLinc On to the specified On Level which at 0% is Off. A Scene Off turns the LampLinc Off regardless of the On Level.


The I/O Linc is actually command reversal. With 100% On level a Scene On command turns the relay On, a Scene Off command turns the relay Off. At 0% On Level the commands are reversed. A Scene On turns the relay Off, a Scene Off turns the relay On.


The ISY could mark the Relay status based on a combination of command executed and On Level. The Scene definition would have to be accessed for both On commands (which is done today for most devices) and Off commands which is unique to the I/O Linc. Something for UDI to comment On. Perhaps posting an entry under the requirements topic.


The relay status would remain wrong when using Momentary mode.

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The hardware does not respond the same between a LampLinc relay and the I/O Linc relay. A Scene Off to a LampLinc always turns the LampLinc Off. The Scene Off to an I/O Linc may turn the I/O Linc relay On or it may turn the I/O Linc relay Off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When adjusting a device level in a scene, I am unable to get the value to take if I want it to be 0% (off). I have found if I adjust the slider to some arbitrary level other than 0% and then adjust the setting it works.


It appears that I have to get the ISY to write a level other than 0% first. Then I can set any level I like including 0%

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