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Inserting Node Status in Custom Notification


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I have a program set up to send out an email notification at 9:00am each day if any motion sensor has a low battery. In the email notification, I'd like to see which motion sensor is reporting a low battery. However, since the program is activated by time and not by the device status change, the typical "${alert.node.name}" doesn't work. Is it possible to specifically list the status of a few nodes, as we can with variables? For example, something like "${node.XX.YY.ZZ.#}.






- Brian


but you could do something like:


       Control 'Indoor / Downstairs / Main Entry, Laundry, Pantry / Motion-Low Battery' is switched On
    Or Control 'Indoor / Downstairs / Great Room / Motion-Low Battery' is switched On
    Or Control 'Indoor / Downstairs / Side Entry / MS Side Door-Low Bat' is switched On
    Or Control 'Indoor / Upstairs / Loft and Landing / MS-Small Stair-Low Battery' is switched On
    Or Control 'Indoor / Upstairs / Top of Main Stairs / MS Top Main Stair-Low Bat' is switched On

       Send Notification to 'Property Manager' content 'standard'


with the custom message for "standard" containing:


Subject: ${alert.program.name}
Time: ${alert.time24} Status: ${alert.program.status} Event: ${alert.event} Node: ${alert.node.name} Action: ${alert.action} Control: ${alert.control} Scene: ${alert.group.name}

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