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IRLinc 2411T Linking/Programming


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Just got the 2411T to replace an ancient fried Plato Homelink (x10) that was controlling an older Sony receiver. Just used for on/off in the AM. Nice thing about the Sony - seperate IR commands available for On and Off, so I could be sure the 8:30 am shutdown sequence would actually turn off the music, not toggle it on by mistake...


Two things with the 2411T:

1 - it does not seem to want to learn the Off command. On works fine, but Off will not work on "replay". The unit beeps like it learned it, but can't seem to send it...

2 - document says you can link the IR to an Insteon OFF command by sending OFF within 30 secs of linking. Since linking to ISY is done through the menu, is there a way to do this? Would really like a scene that can be turned on/off that will turn on/off the receiver. Right now, have two scenes, one for on, one for off - which you turn on to turn it off... (assuming I can get the IR off to work).


Any ideas here? If I have to code the power toggle to turn off, any suggestions on how to minimize unwanted turn-ons? Any tricks to get the unit to learn/send the OFF command correctly? Ideas to link IR/OFF to Scene/OFF?


Many thanks in advance!

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Hi there,


I'm trying to do something similar. I've got a power skylight I'm controlling via a IRLinc TX, and want to have a keypadlinc button in toggle mode open and close the skylight.


I have two scenes on the ISY, one with the IR OPEN command, and the other with the IR CLOSE command. They work fine from the ISY.


Is there a way to use the ISY to link the OPEN scene to the on-mode for the keypadlinc button, and the CLOSE scene to the off-mode for the same keypadlinc button?


Is there a better way to get this done? As a workaround, I've got an ISY program that gets the job done, but it seems to reduce the reliability.





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"Is there a way to use the ISY to link the OPEN scene to the on-mode for the keypadlinc button, and the CLOSE scene to the off-mode for the same keypadlinc button?"


Sorry, no. Insteon hardware does not support the KeypadLinc On button press controlling Scene X and the KeypadLinc Off button press controlling Scene Y. ISY Programs can perform an Action when the On command is received and a different Action when the Off command is received but it sounds like that is what is in use today.



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