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Can the ISY restore a 2411T IR TX


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I have a 2411T that I started having some trouble with after trying to add another IR code. It work fine for the past 8 months but now I am having issues.


Can the ISY restore this device? If I factory reset it does the ISY somehow know the IR codes it used to contain? Since I taught the IR codes directly to the IR TX with my other remotes will I loose this info if I factory reset the device?


If the answer is yes, I can restore this device I have one more question: Since I taught the IR code directly to the 2411T how does the ISY know what the IR code for a given node is? I assumed this info is only contained in the 2411T device itself.

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I have worked on this for a few days now. I still have not got it 100%. I have not yet tried a restore. I fear it will wipe out all my IR codes.


Now my IR-TX has the updates pending flag and nothing I do will remove it. If I select "write updates to device" the isy does nothing. No traffic in the event viewer, no progress bar, no system busy flag, no led activity.


It is strange. I can add nodes from the IR-TX to scenes and the isy will show the writing flag and the scene will work but as soon as it is done writing the scene info to the device it goes back to showing the pending updates flag.


I have a couple of nodes on this device that are not xmitting the correct commands. I will wait another couple of days for a reply to this thread, but then I guess I am just going to go for the restore. Maybe I will try the restore without a factory reset to the device first hoping to preserve the programed IR codes. I am reasonably certain a factory reset will kill the learned IR codes and am very hesitant to incur that amount of work.

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Hi Illusion,


Don't worry about the update pending flags that you are seeing. All the writes are being performed, its just the count that gets sent back to the GUI that is incorrect. This will be fixed in the next release.


You can also restore a single link by selecting "Restore link between xxxxxxx >" on the right+click menu for a member of a scene. This is useful for IRLincTX because of the large amount of data stored in a single link.

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