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New to ISY , X10 module add on.


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Hi, I just purchased the ISY 99i pro IR. I am just starting the migrating process to insteon and have a lot of x10 devices. I am wondering what exactly the A10/X10 module does?? Can I create scenes for the x10 modules with it??? Thanks for any help you can give me!

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Hello mrxmas,


Welcome aboard!


A10/X10 module is basically a cosmetic module; i.e. you can name your X10 devices and you can refer to them by name. It also supports some A10 devices which may require different processing. In no case can you create X10 scenes though (scenes are basically implied in the node address).


If you do not care about having named devices, then you can do all the programming without this module through the Programs tab. You can sense X10 signals for conditions and send X10 signals based on all other events available in ISY.


With kind regards,


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Hi, I just purchased the ISY 99i pro IR. I am just starting the migrating process to insteon and have a lot of x10 devices. I am wondering what exactly the A10/X10 module does?? Can I create scenes for the x10 modules with it??? /quote]




I also recently joined the ISY/Insteon club and still have a lot of x-10 devices. Thinking of the X10 module as "cosmetic" kept me from purchasing it...for a while. Unless you have all of your X10 addresses completely memorized or do not intend to do any programming on the ISY, do yourself a favor, a lot of headslapping, and a lot of walking back and forth to your devices and just buy the module now. When you are working with your devices in the ISY and all of your Insteon devices are nicely named like "Living Room Walkway Lights" rather than N12 you will be really wishing your X10 was presented to you the same way.


Although I wish the module was included in the base functionality, being what it is the money is well spent on the module.


Hope that helps.

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Thanks all, stuff just arrived yesterday and I hope to start setting up this weekend. I am currently using x10 ActiveHome Pro, and have for several years. Just tired of the undependability. Only have a few insteon switches and modules, have to installl them and get started. Should be fun!!!


One other question. Since you can not have scenes for the x10 devices. Can you have more than one timers on them?? Like an on/off in the morning and a on/offf in the PM?


Sure I will be on here with many more questions before I through!!


Thanks again

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One point that may effect your X10 and Insteon installation.

Insteon devices are two way as they can also send power line signals.

The transmitter in them can absorb power line signals. Insteon modules do resend their messages but not X10 ones.

Some have found as they add Insteon devices. The Insteon network gets more reliable while the remaining X10 devices get less reliable.


I have a mixed system but have a very strong X10 coupler repeater. So when I added the Insteon my X10 signals are still strong enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mualexander

I just had a couple of horus to spend with my new isy-99i this weekend and I'm looking forward to moving stuff over to it -- however, the basic question that I have at the moment is where I can get the A10/X10 add on module?


I've followed links on the wiki and done some searches, but everything seems to be bringing me down dead ends..



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  • 10 months later...

Just to ask for clarification on one or two things if I may:


1. Does the X10 module include keeping track of x10 device status and being able to use it in a program condition, i.e. does this work?

if status MyX10DeviceName is ON

or is it truly only "cosmetic" in that it simply allows one to send/listen for x10 by name rather than by code, i.e.

if X10 MyX10DeviceName is Received


2. If yes to 1, can it track responses to X10 status requests?

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Does the X10 module include keeping track of x10 device status and being able to use it in a program condition


I checked mine, and X-10 device status is available and, apparently, tracked. Given the lack of two-way communication, I assume the status is assumed, based on reciept and transmission of commands. It also appears to provide the ability to use X-10 device status as a program condition.


If yes to 1, can it track responses to X10 status requests?


I can tell you that there is a "query" function, but I have no X-10 devices, to my knowledge, that respond to status request, so I cannot confirm.

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Most of the present X10 devices are power line receive only and ignore a Status Request.

The RR501 and a few of the old discontinued two way modules. LM14A, AM14A do respond to a Status Request and use X10 Extended messages that are not recognized by the PLM.

The two way Smarthome X10 modules will also respond to a Status Request.

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I do have two way x10 modules that will respond to status request. What I'm not clear on is whether ISY will hear the response and update the status it tracks. Do I understand that it will as long as the devices are from Smarthome and/or do not use extended codes in their response?




Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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You cannot use X10 states as conditions in a program


Really!? Yet when I attempted to create a test program (to provide confidence in earlier responses), it appeared to allow such a condition. I wonder if this suggest that the condition is a placebo, or that I missed something.

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You cannot use X10 states as conditions in a program


Really!? Yet when I attempted to create a test program (to provide confidence in earlier responses), it appeared to allow such a condition. I wonder if this suggest that the condition is a placebo, or that I missed something.


My bad. You should listen to oberrkc.


X10 devices added using the X10 module states can be used as Conditions.


oberkc, do you know what is returned from a status request? Is it a regular X10 command?


I lack experience with X10 :oops:

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From memory (dangerous): The requested module will return a Status ON or Status OFF. This is a standard X10 response that is recognized by the ISY.


I use the status request in a program to Poll my PR511 outdoor motion floods. If one of the floods returns a status of ON, a second program is activated to turn off the floods after a period of time (day/night dependent).


I'm currently out of the country, but will try to post some activity logs when I get back.



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One way X10 devices without a power line transmitter in them. Just ignore a Status Request to their X10 address and no response is sent or should be expected by the sender of the request.


The PR511 has a power line transmitter in it as it can be set to send X10 commands to additional X10 addresses. I don't have information on if it responds to a Status Request, but it sounds like it might from IndyMikes findings.

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Hello Johnnyt,


I do not believe the following is correct. I have the X10 module installed and I am using X10 "Status" in my programs.


turns out the answer is (from UDI):

The ISY listens for X10 signals and bases the state of a device (On/Off) on those.

You cannot use X10 states as conditions in a program.

You can use X10 signals as program conditions without the module.

I use several programs to monitor the status of my X10 PR511 floodlamps and display the status on KPL's. I also run a polling program during the day to determine if the lamps have been inadvertently activated.


In my experience, the ISY (with X10 addon) will:

1) Respond to X10 ON/OFF and Status Response transmissions when using the "Status" condition

2) Respond to an X10 ON/OFF transmission when using the "Control" condition.

3) Will track status and trigger properly when combining "Status" and "Time" conditions ( if Time = XX and Status = XX).


Please note the difference in the Status/Control conditions above: A X10 Status Response will not trigger a "Control" condition.


The following is the activity monitor trace for a X10 Status Request and Status Response for one of the PR511 flood lamps. The flood lamps have been added to the device tree using the X10 module. They are defined as X10 Generic devices (not A10).


Status Request Activity Monitor

Sat 09/15/2012 10:27:07 : [         X10]       F1
Sat 09/15/2012 10:27:07 : [X10-RSP     ] 02 63 96 00 06 
Sat 09/15/2012 10:27:07 : [         X10]       F1/Status Request (10)
Sat 09/15/2012 10:27:08 : [X10-RSP     ] 02 63 9F 80 06 

Sat 09/15/2012 10:27:09 : [X10-RX      ] 02 52 9E 80 
Sat 09/15/2012 10:27:09 : [         X10]       F1/Status = off (2)
Sat 09/15/2012 10:27:09 : [X10-RX      ] 02 52 9E 80 
Sat 09/15/2012 10:27:09 : [         X10]       F1/Status = off (2)


Polling Program

       From    Sunrise +  1 minute
       To      Sunset  - 10 minutes (same day)
   And Time is Last Run Time for 'Flood Daytime Poll' + 15 minutes
       Send X10 'F1/Status Request (10)'
       Wait  9 seconds
       Send X10 'F3/Status Request (10)'
       Wait  9 seconds
       Send X10 'F5/Status Request (10)'
  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Status Program (Updates Keypads with Flood status)

       Status  'Outdoor / Deck Flood' is On
    Or Status  'Outdoor / Deck Flood Comm' is On
    Or Status  'Outdoor / Drive Flood' is On
    Or Status  'Outdoor / Drive Flood Comm' is On
    Or Status  'Outdoor / Garage Flood' is On
    Or Status  'Outdoor / Garage Flood Comm' is On
       Set Scene 'Outdoor / SC Flood Status' On
       Set Scene 'Outdoor / SC Flood Status' Off


Daytime Monitor Program - Monitor KPL Status buttons and Turn off floods after 1 mintue

       From    Sunrise
       To      Sunset  (same day)
   And (
            Status  '1st Floor / Fam Room / Fam KPL 1 - Wall / Fam KPL 7 - Floods' is On
         Or Status  '1st Floor / Mud KPL 1 - Entry Garage / Mud KPL 6 - Floods' is On
       Wait  1 minute 
       Run Program 'X10 Contol Floods Off' (Then Path)
  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


If you are having difficulty, it's possible that your X10 modules are responding differently than I'm showing above. Please post back your module make/model and the activity monitor output for a status request transmission (you can also query the device from the ADMIN Tree).



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Hi IndyMike,


Yes, a mistake was made and clarified a few posts back (copied here). I did purchase the module and it does work fine.


You cannot use X10 states as conditions in a program

Really!? Yet when I attempted to create a test program (to provide confidence in earlier responses), it

appeared to allow such a condition. I wonder if this suggest that the condition is a placebo, or that I missed something.

My bad. You should listen to oberrkc.


X10 devices added using the X10 module states can be used as Conditions.


oberkc, do you know what is returned from a status request? Is it a regular X10 command?


I lack experience with X10 :oops:

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