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ISY Failure after rebooting?


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After attempting to set a static IP for the ISY and then rebooting, I have been unable to reconnect to the ISY. I cannot ping the address that I set ( or the DHCP address that it had before (, and my router does not show the ISY on the network. I have tried waiting 30 minutes before repowering the ISY, I have repowered the PLM. Nothing seems to work. At some point lights that are on will all of a sudden go off, but programs and scenes are definitely not functional.


Any suggestions?

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After going for out for a run, I came back and the ISY appeared to be working, but still unaccessible. So I rebooted my router and the ISY and everything came up fine. The router still had the DHCP address and not the static IP I had entered. The ISY was obviously having difficulty getting the IP address from the router. Setting up the static IP address didn't work.


You should be able to change the IP to a static address via telnet?

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I have tried twice again to set a static IP with no success. At least these times the ISY has come backup without a problem. I am very familiar with routers and IP address configuration, but I can't seem to get it to work. Below is my session. After entering the info, I enter the RS command. Am I missing something?


IP Address []:

New IP Address : [] OK? (Y/N)y

IP Address []:

NetMask []:

New NetMask : [] OK? (Y/N)y

NetMask []:

Gateway []:

New Gateway : [] OK? (Y/N)y

Gateway []:

DNS Server []:

New DNS Server : [] OK? (Y/N)y

DNS Server []:>

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I have tried twice again to set a static IP with no success. At least these times the ISY has come backup without a problem. I am very familiar with routers and IP address configuration, but I can't seem to get it to work. Below is my session. After entering the info, I enter the RS command. Am I missing something?


IP Address []:

New IP Address : [] OK? (Y/N)y

IP Address []:

NetMask []:

New NetMask : [] OK? (Y/N)y

NetMask []:

Gateway []:

New Gateway : [] OK? (Y/N)y

Gateway []:

DNS Server []:

New DNS Server : [] OK? (Y/N)y

DNS Server []:>


Hello John:


1) It's doubtful that your router is also your DNS server. You should do an "ipconfig /all" and grab the name of the appropriate DNS server from there.


2) Even after setting a static IP address, you still will not be able to access your ISY without putting its "port" number in the IP address that you type into your browser. Each ISY has a unique port number. To access your ISY via static IP, the browser address will look something like this:,


where "XXXXX" is the port number specific to your ISY.


When you open your ISY Admin console via DHCP, look in the "About" view to find your port number.


And if you have a firewall, be certain that the address is in the trusted zone.


Hope that this helps.

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Thanks for your response. I know that it's hard to tell, but I do understand the IP issues, I ran an ISP for 5 years. The router is passing its IP as the DNS server.


The basic problem is that the ISY is coming backup with the DHCP address after I reboot it. It is not taking the static IP that I have given it. I can't see a save config command, so I assume that it should reboot with the newly entered static address after rebooting, but it is not.

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Hello John:


Thanks for the clarification.


It's been a while since I changed my ISY to a static IP, but I don't recall ever having any problems doing so.


I also don't remember if it forced a reboot at the end of the address change, or if I had to manually reboot. I'm assuming that it was automatic.


Sorry that I couldn't be of assistance.


Best wishes,

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I actually did just think of something......


From what I remember, you may have to hit an "enter" after each response. For some commands (such as changing dwell time), if you don't press "enter", the ISY will just jump out of the changes without saving them.


So after entering each "Y", you may have to also hit "enter". But again, it's been a while, so I'm not certain.


Best wishes,

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Thanks, I really appreciate your suggestions. With most devices, you lose the connection after you change the IP address. You then have to reconnect using the new IP to continue working. Then you execute a save config command to make sure that your changes will be remembered after reboot.


I was typing this as you just replied, and yes I did hit the enter after entering 'Y'. The change shows up, and you hit enter to continue to the next item.


So the basic question comes down to this, aftering entering the new settings, responding 'Y', and entering through the items. Should the new IP take immediate effect? Am I missing something, or is my ISY not functioning properly?


I realize that you may not have an answer, I am just trying to clarify for anyone else who might see this thread.





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From your session, it seems that you are entering 'y' instead of 'Y'. Anything except 'Y' is ignored so that's why you are not able to set the static IP address. Also, you are correct, after setting the static IP address your ISY will reboot for the changes to take effect.


With kind regards,





Thanks, I really appreciate your suggestions. With most devices, you lose the connection after you change the IP address. You then have to reconnect using the new IP to continue working. Then you execute a save config command to make sure that your changes will be remembered after reboot.


I was typing this as you just replied, and yes I did hit the enter after entering 'Y'. The change shows up, and you hit enter to continue to the next item.


So the basic question comes down to this, aftering entering the new settings, responding 'Y', and entering through the items. Should the new IP take immediate effect? Am I missing something, or is my ISY not functioning properly?


I realize that you may not have an answer, I am just trying to clarify for anyone else who might see this thread.





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