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View of a devices associated programs


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I have been slowly programing my ISY for years now, so many of the exact details of all of my scenes/programs have become blurry. In the admin console, on the main tab, each device's association as a controller or responer can be seen in the membership section. Is it possible to also see all of the programs that have an effect of a device?


I often find that my biggest source of errors is making a device change (scene or programing) that conficts with another program that I no longer remember (which can be a good thing...if I don't remember it, I might be working well) However somethimes this is also due to finding a better way to do something, but then not remembering all of the original intricacies originally created to do the task in the past and not getting rid of them all.


If this is not currently possible, it would be a nice feature. It could allow a quick reminder to check all programs that the new programming/scene may impact. Similary in the programs tab it would be nice to see a reference to other programs that are associated with the current program.


Thanks in advance,




PS...If my explanation is confusing, please let me know and I will try to explain it in a different way. Thanks, again.

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