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Elk lighting rule.. and wish list


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Hello world!

I have been playing around with the new module... love it! Couple of things:

1.) I have programs written in ISY to trigger when ELK zones are violated.


When front door is open
And it is after sunset
Then turn on entry chandelier 
Wait 20 minutes
Turn off entry chandelier

I am having 50/50 success in getting the lights to turn off after the zone trip. Any ideas?


2.) Feature request to send text to keypad. Like use the emails/notification messages as the text to send.

3.) Start an elk module topic in the common isy topics section.

4.) Why does the entire elk module live in the configuration tab? Move non-configuration items to main tabs.


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Someone was posting this in another thread while I was posting. I think I got my answer for part one...




It means the If condition changes before the 20 minute wait completes, the program is retriggered with the change in If state to false which runs the Else clause. The statements after the Wait never execute.


The solution is for the Then clause to Run a second program that contains all the current logic of the Then clause. The second program has nothing in the If clause so it is never retriggered and the Wait is allowed to complete running the statements after the Wait.



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I just moved all of my door opening, light turning on programs last night, moving them over from Elk. Here is how I did it.


I included that the light has to be off to start with. I assume that if the light was on before the door was open, there was a reason for that and I don't want opening the door to cause it to shut off in a few minutes. I also included that if the timer is running, and you click the "on" switch, it will abandon the timer and stay on.



       From    Sunset 
       To      Sunrise (next day)
   And Elk Zone 'Back Door' is Violated
   And Status  'Garage / Third Garage-Coach L' is Off
   And Status  'Garage / Third Garage-Breez L' is Off

       Run Program 'back door 2' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Back door 2

       Control 'Back Hall / Back Hall Ext Dr-Coach' is switched On
    Or Control 'Back Hall / Back Hall Ext Door-Breezway' is switched On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

       Set Scene 'Coach Lt S' On
       Set Scene 'Breezway S' On
       Wait  5 minutes 
       Set Scene 'Breezway S' Off
       Set Scene 'Coach Lt S' Off

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  • 1 month later...
I just moved all of my door opening, light turning on programs last night, moving them over from Elk. Here is how I did it.


I included that the light has to be off to start with. I assume that if the light was on before the door was open, there was a reason for that and I don't want opening the door to cause it to shut off in a few minutes. I also included that if the timer is running, and you click the "on" switch, it will abandon the timer and stay on.



       From    Sunset 
       To      Sunrise (next day)
   And Elk Zone 'Back Door' is Violated
   And Status  'Garage / Third Garage-Coach L' is Off
   And Status  'Garage / Third Garage-Breez L' is Off

       Run Program 'back door 2' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Back door 2

       Control 'Back Hall / Back Hall Ext Dr-Coach' is switched On
    Or Control 'Back Hall / Back Hall Ext Door-Breezway' is switched On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

       Set Scene 'Coach Lt S' On
       Set Scene 'Breezway S' On
       Wait  5 minutes 
       Set Scene 'Breezway S' Off
       Set Scene 'Coach Lt S' Off



Hi, I was confused as to the "timer" reference. Is the 'Back Hall / Back Hall Ext Dr-Coach' a insteon switch referenced in either the scene 'coach Lt S' or 'Breezway S'?

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