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System Bogging Down

Guest PLC_Guy

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Anyone...I suddenly seem to have a very slow system. Sometimes its not-so-bad and other times its REALLY bad it seems.

Under Device Communications Events I'm getting hundreds and hundreds of these:


Mon X/XX/2012 XX:XX:XX PM : [ TIME] XX:XX:XX 0(0)

over, and over, and over, and continuously....hundreds by the minute


I have 99i with:

8 @ 2466S Toggle Link Relays v.41

3 @ 2476D Switchlink Dimmer v.00

3 @ 2856D2 Lamplink v.00

3 @ 2473 Outlet Link v.42

2 @ 2491T (Driver) Thermostat Adaptors v.93 (Thermostats are 2491T1E)


Any ideas/thoughts are GREATLY appreciated



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Additional info as per my post above...and not that I'd know if its related...amongst the hundreds of messages every minute or so there are these 3 entries:


Tue 06/26/2012 12:19:01 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.66.27 1B.FB.76 0B 6E 4B (4B)

Tue 06/26/2012 12:19:01 PM : [standard-Direct][14.66.27-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Tue 06/26/2012 12:19:01 PM : [ 14 66 27 1] ST 150




Sorry I know nothing about this protocol



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If device 14.66.27 is a thermostat it is reporting a temperature or humidity change. Some tstats come without the humidity sensor installed so the humidity reporting should be turned Off.


If 14.66.27 is a thermostat what type is it and how old?


EDIT: I think that is a temperature report. The tstats report in .5 degree increments so the ST xxx value needs to x 0.5 to get actual temperature.

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Humidity reporting is turn off (never turned on)...yes this device is a Venstar 2491T1E and shows up as 2491T as type v.93. I actually have 2 thermostats, one bought 2 weeks ago and one a few days ago.

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