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Schedule: From/To Next Day Question


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Hi all,


If I make a program that looks like this:



On Fri

From Sunset + 4 hours and 1 minute

To 11:15:00AM (next day)



Set '14.67.0A - Main' Mode Cool

Set '14.67.0A - Main' 70° (Cool Setpoint)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Now here is my question: Currently in summer time 4 hours after sunset happens to be about 12:30 AM which is already Saturday. So when I choose ‘next day’ in the ‘To’ section, will it be Saturday 11:15 AM or Sunday 11:15 AM?



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Good question!


My gut feeling says Saturday but I will have to run a test of this scenario to be sure.


It's possible that this will never run since Sunset+4:01 is Sat and the first condition says on Fri. I have built a test for tonight and I'll let you know what happens.


EDIT: The following seems to indicate that it WILL run early Sat morning:





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Here is another question:


When multiple days are selected, and I then pick ‘Next Day’ in the ‘To’ section, is it the next day of the last day in the selection? For example if I select Sunday & Monday, would the program end on Tuesday?

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I believe (With the possible exception of what we are testing above) that "Next Day" is always the Day after Today when the IF evaluates to True. So if your program looks like:

       On Wed, Thu, Fri
       From    Sunset  +  4 hours  and  1 minute
       To      11:55:00AM (next day)

       Set Scene 'Living Room / Test' On

       Set Scene 'Living Room / Test' Off


Then the scene would be on from early Thrs morning till 11:55 Thrs morning then the same for Fri and Sat based on a sunset time of less than 4:01 prior to midnight.



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Is this an actual case that is going to be used or some "what if" exercise? Do you really want to use Sunset +offset that takes the From start point into the next day


EDIT: If this is an actual implementation that must be done 4+ hours after Sunset (which could result in starting the next day) does the To time trigger point to run the Else clause need to actually be the "next" day after the actual From start time or need to be the day after Sunset regardless of the day the From time resolves to.

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I am not sure if the program works as desired, but if not . . . you can split it into two programs to avoid the problem



on Sat

from sunset

to 11:15am next day


Run program 2 then clause


turn lights off

set temp to whatever


Program 2


- - blank


Wait 4 hours 1 minute

turn lights on

set temp to 70

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The From time triggered the Program at 12:07 AM Saturday morning as Sunset +4 hours occurs past midnight at my geographic location. The Program is scheduled to run at 11:30 AM Sat to satisfy the To time.


       On Fri
       From    Sunset  +  4 hours 
       To      11:30:00AM (next day)

       Send X10 'A1/On (3)'

       Send X10 'A1/Off (11)' 



"is it the next day of the last day in the selection? For example if I select Sunday & Monday, would the program end on Tuesday?"


       On Sun, Moni
       From    Sunset  +  4 hours 
       To      11:30:00AM (next day)

       Send X10 'A1/On (3)'

       Send X10 'A1/Off (11)' 


The From/To applies to each selected day. Assuming the From Offset creates a trigger time after Midnight, Sunday would give a From/To range that covered Monday morning, 12:07AM to 11:30AM in my case; Monday would give a From/To range that covered Tuesday morning, 12:07AM to 11:30AM.

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Hi all,


I ran the following test program last night:


       On Sun
       From    Sunset  +  3 hours  and 32 minutes
       To      12:05:00AM (next day)

       Send Notification to 'isy99@' content 'From Sunset + Hours Test'

       Send Notification to 'Exchange 2010' content 'Next Day Test'


Three hours and 32 minutes after Sunday’s sunset was 12:02 AM Monday morning at my location. At 12:02 Monday morning I got the first email. Three minutes later at 12:05 Monday morning I got the 2nd email.


So in conclusion we can confirm the following:


1. Using X amount of hours after sunset will execute correctly even if it happens to go into the next day.


2. The “Next Day†in a program always refers to the day checked off in the program regardless of when the program will actually start running.



Thanks Xathros, Lee, and Apostolakisl.

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