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An example of how to make a whole scene BEEP


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If you like to make your devices beep for audible alerts, you've probably noticed that the ISY currently does not offer a direct command to beep a whole scene. Trying to program multiple devices to beep at the same time results in asynchronous beeps and a lot of network traffic. However, if you have the Network Module and understand REST commands, you can easily program a whole scene to beep. Here's how:


First you need to know the Scene ID of the scene you wish to beep. A quick way to find a Scene ID is by using Firefox's Web Developer:Web Console (Ctrl+Shift+K) while browsing the built-in ISY homepage (http:///WEB/INDEX.HTM).


* First browse to the My Scenes page, (http:///WEB/INDEX.HTM#/nodes/scenes/)

* turn on the FireFox Web Console (Ctrl+Shift+K) (assuming Firefox version 15.0.1)

* then scroll to the desired scene and click the OFF symbol

* now look at the Web Console area and find an entry containing "/cmd/DOF".

* The number between "nodes/" and "/cmd/DOF" is the scene ID.

* If your not sure you have the right one, click it a few more times and look for duplicate looking commands.

-- [11] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 13ms]

For example: In the Web Console data above, the scene ID is 41587. You will want to write down the string from the end of your ISY IP address to the DOF. ( e.g. "/rest/nodes/41587/cmd/DOF".)


The next step is to create a network resource using the above REST command but changing DOF to BEEP. Once you've done that you can call the network resource from a program an make the whole scene beep.


Here's an example of the resulting network resource.

Be sure to use your ISY Username and Password in the Authorization encoding.

Be sure to use your own ISY IP address.

GET /rest/nodes/41587/cmd/BEEP HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Connection: closed
Authorization: Basic Tm90TWluZTpMT0xfbm90X3NoYXJpbmdfdGhhdA==

So lets say you named this Network Resource "BeepSecurityScene".

In your program's "Then" section, just call Resource 'BeepSecurityScene'.

Add a repeat condition before it to have it beep every second, or for so many counts; as you wish.


Hopefully this example has provided you with some new ideas on how to create and use a Whole Scene Beep network resource.


I use mine to help wake the family by beeping all the devices when an "at home" security event is detected. It also helps as a deterrent by beeping continuously for "not home" events. If someone breaks-in, they'll hear the beep and know something knows they are there, and hopefully they'll quickly leave. Too bad for them my system sends a text message to our police officer neighbors (with their permission), and to the entire family. One can put the system on battery backup UPS, and use a cell based ISP to make it difficult to circumvent your ISY from outside the home. Intruders can't cut; power, network cables, or phone lines to disable your security. Short of using an EMP or cell jammer, they'll very likely trip the alarm notifications.



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Thanks Michel,


I figured it wouldn't be long before it was supported; hence "currently does not offer" :)


No need to apologize for adding a feature. Once deployed, every time a scene beeps, I'll smile knowing I helped make that happen.


It was fun coming up with that one, just hacking around to figure out what can be done with REST commands.





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I see the new command in the programming options for scenes.


Seems the Main Tab should add a Beep command option button with Scenes in order to provide an easy way to test. It would also provide consistency between the Main Tab scene options and the respective programming command options. Minor details, and not a concern given the quick feature add in 3.3.1 Beta. Just a consideration for the long term solution.


Thanks again!


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When using the scene beep with a scene containing only KPL8 secondary buttons, the feature does not seem to work. Is it necessary to address the primary button of a KPL for scene beep to work ?



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I have a KPL Relay wit v40 firmware. I can beep directly either the primary or secondary button as it is the same command directed to the KPL, not a specific button.


There may be a glitch in the Scene Beep implementation. When I use Beep on a Scene the Scene command is not issued.

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Sorry to ask the typical customer support question, but do you have beeping enabled?


6 button uses B and C simultaneous pushes to toggle beep functions. 8 button uses D and E.


Sorry I don't have a KPL in my system to test, but hopefully its just an enable issue. Hopefully someone else can give feedback on their results.



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Thanks Lee. I'll have to continue to beep via direct command rather than scene for those I guess.




My beepers are enabled and working via button press or direct program command. I was just trying to simplify and reduce traffic but in this case I can't since my scenes don't include the primary buttons.



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There may be a glitch in the Scene Beep. When I code a Scene On the Scene command is issued. When I code Scene Beep the Scene command is not issued.


When using the Beep Direct command it is sent to the KPL Insteon address. It is not directed at any specific button so a Primary or Secondary button Beep works because both result in the same Direct command.

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There may be a glitch in the Scene Beep. When I code a Scene On the Scene command is issued. When I code Scene Beep the Scene command is not issued.


When using the Beep Direct command it is sent to the KPL Insteon address. It is not directed at any specific button so a Primary or Secondary button Beep works.


I was unsure when I coded my beeps so I addressed the primary node as it made no difference to me for a beep. I had hoped the scene beep would not care but it seems it does. Are you saying it doesn't work even when addressing the primary node ? I didn't test that.



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Yes. When I run the Event Viewer no Scene command is issued when using Beep so I cannot verify whether a Beep works on a Primary and Secondary button Scene. I am using the Primary button for the test. Changed it to a Scene On and Scene command is issued. Changed it back to Beep and no Scene command issued. KPL does support Beep as I used that KPL to test the Direct Beep to both the Primary button and Secondary button.

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  • 9 months later...

So I wanted to make a whole-house alert so I did a Scene Beep to my Everything scene. Lots of devices beeped, but some also turned on! So I sat down to investigate to try to make a coherent bug report, starting by turning off all devices. I then executed the program that sent the beep: many beeps, no obvious lights turned on. Hmmm. So then I put the Beep into a Repeat with 5 second delay so I could walk around the house. Strangely after a few beeps some devices started turning on. Stopping the program, turning off all devices and trying again gave somewhat different results each time. It does seem to like to turn on my old ICON ON/OFF switches. It also seems to like to turn on lights in bathrooms (yeah, I know that can't be right). Some of the lights get turned on to seemingly random (not defaulted) brightness values.


Any thoughts? This is with 4.0.5, I have not tried with older firmwares.

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The old ICONs do not have the Beep feature. Do not know how they will react when receiving a command they are not defined to handle. Since they are discontinued I suggest using a Scene that contains only devices that have the Beep feature.

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The old ICONs do not have the Beep feature. Do not how they will react when receiving a command they are not defined to handle. Since they are discontinued I suggest using a Scene that contains only devices that have the Beep feature.


Thanks Lee, but I also have a number of 2476Ds that are turning on. They are v.37. How can I get a list of which devices have the beep feature? Yeah I know, SH is not a great help with keeping track of versions/features!

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You have identified the problem. SmartLabs/Smarthome does not provide information regarding features versus device hardware/firmware level. If a device Beeps it has the feature. If it does not Beep do not include it in the Scene. I know that is pretty crude but I don't know of any document that has the information you are looking for.


You might find some informal information at this link.


http://www.madreporite.com/insteon/Inst ... e_list.htm


This is a user site that accumulates information users have sent in or direct observation. It is not a definitive source but may have some information.

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