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SSL Wildcard Certificate / Dashboard will not load.


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I wanted to use the Dashboard d to install a wildcard certificate on my ISY. I cannot however load the dashboard as when I do the progress bar stops at 16% with the status "Applying Node Structures to UI". I am running 3.3.1 and have downloaded the correct dashboard.jnlp.


I have also tried using openssl to convert my certificate to pfx format and then using Help -> Request/Manage SSL certificates and then SSL Certificate Management -> Install SSL Certificate. When I tried to use the long filename it told me it has to be UD.DCF. So I renamed my pfx to that and tried it again. It said it was successful and rebooted the Isy, but I could no longer connect, and Google Chome would give me an "SSL protocol error" when trying to connect. So I used the ISY Configuration Utility again (https://www.universal-devices.com/ssl/insteon/) to revert that change.


So I guess I have two questions, firstly how do I get my wildcard SSL certificate onto my ISY? And secondly, how can I make the dashboard work as I would like to be able to use it.


Thanks in advance.

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Which platform and browser are you using?


Hi Exten,


I should have mentioned that. I am using Windows 7 x64, and I have tried with Chrome and IE and have got the same results.


I also tried tonight with my Linux desktop where I have Ubuntu 12.04 x64, Java 7, Chrome and Firefox. On this system ISY finder comes up but gives a blank error immediately which just contains the word error. I presume this it failing to find my ISY. When I press ok to dismiss the error I can add my ISY in the ISY Finder window and connect to it. It loads further and prompts me for my username and password. When I put that in I get to the same point as with my Windows system. The Retrieving UI Components window is stuck at 16%, "Apply Node Structure to UI ...".




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Hi Simon,


I am so very sorry to hear.


1. Do you have an ISY994 Series or ISY99 Series ... wildcard certificates only work on 994 Series

2. The only way you can install wildcard certificates is to use the dashboard (you cannot use the Admin Console neither can you use /ssl/insteon URL from our website)

3. Please upgrade to 3.3.3 before attempting any of this


With kind regards,


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1. Do you have an ISY994 Series or ISY99 Series ... wildcard certificates only work on 994 Series

2. The only way you can install wildcard certificates is to use the dashboard (you cannot use the Admin Console neither can you use /ssl/insteon URL from our website)

3. Please upgrade to 3.3.3 before attempting any of this


Hi Michel,


I have an ISY99. I am disappointed to hear I can't put my wildcard certificate on here, is that a hard limitation due to the hardware on the ISY99 versus the 994?.


If I cannot use a wildcard certificate, do I have any other options? Could I get a regular ssl certificate or am I limited to only the self signed ones? I've always liked my Isy, but I wish SSL on the device could be disabled. That way I could put a web server in front of it using mod-proxy and offload the SSL there to allow me to use whatever certificate I wanted.


I will upgrade to 3.3.3 anyways to see if this resolves my dashboard issue.


If I do go ahead and buy a 994, is it easy to upgrade from the 99 to the 994? Can I just backup the old one and restore to the new?




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I just upgraded to v3.3.3. I also downloaded the the latest dashboard, but sadly I still get stuck at 16%. I've only tried on my Windows 7 box, but I am quite sure I'll get the same result on my Linux box as well.


Any suggestions on what I can try? I have done the usual steps of clearing the Java cache.



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Hi Simon,


I am so very sorry and, yes, the problem is hardware limitation.


If I decide to go to the 994, is it an easy migration from my 99?


As far as the dashboard, it would be great if you have your Java console up ... perhaps there's an uncaught exception and the console will show it.


I ran the console on my Windows system and this is what I get when I run dashboard.jnlp:


Java Web Start
Using JRE version 1.7.0_07-b11 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
User home directory = C:\Users\simon
c:   clear console window
f:   finalize objects on finalization queue
g:   garbage collect
h:   display this help message
m:   print memory usage
o:   trigger logging
p:   reload proxy configuration
q:   hide console
r:   reload policy configuration
s:   dump system and deployment properties
t:   dump thread list
v:   dump thread stack
0-5: set trace level to 
Match: beginTraversal
Match: digest selected JREDesc: JREDesc[version 1.6+, heap=-1--1, args=null, href=http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se, sel=false, null, null], JREInfo: JREInfo for index 0:
   platform is: 1.7
   product is: 1.7.0_07
   location is: http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se
   path is: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
   args is: 
   native platform is: Windows, amd64 [ x86_64, 64bit ]
   JavaFX runtime is: JavaFX 2.2.1 found at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\
   enabled is: true
   registered is: true
   system is: true

Match: ignoring maxHeap: -1
Match: ignoring InitHeap: -1
Match: digesting vmargs: null
Match: digested vmargs: [JVMParameters]
Match: JVM args after accumulation: [JVMParameters]
Match: digest LaunchDesc: http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.3.3/dashboard.jnlp
Match: digest properties: []
Match: JVM args: [JVMParameters]
Match: endTraversal ..
Match: JVM args final: 
Match: Running JREInfo Version    match: ==
 Match: Running JVM args match: have:<>  satisfy want:<>
Exception in thread "Thread-11" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList.grow(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList.ensureCapacityInternal(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList.add(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.ui.views.ViewUtil.getFolderPath(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.portlets.device.DevicePanel.setPath(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.portlets.device.DevicePanel.(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.InsteonDevicePanel.(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.InsteonDevicePanel.(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.UDDashboard.getDevicePanel(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.portlets.device.MyDevices.onNewNode(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.portlets.device.MyDevices.populateDevices(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.portlets.device.MyDevices.populate(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.UDDashboardBase.preparePortlets(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.UDDashboardBase.access$1(Unknown Source)
at com.universaldevices.dashboard.UDDashboardBase$1.run(Unknown Source)

So it seems like its out of memory? When I check the javaw.exe process is using 374MB I can allocate more memory to this VM and try again, but this seems excessive to me for this application?


I also tried again on my Linux system which is the desktop I use for day to day work. First off the Isy admin console works just fine, the light blue background colour is a bit messed up but other than that it works perfectly. As far as the dashboard goes, the resulting java process uses 1.3GB of memory! I ran the jconsole on here as well, but I couldn't find the same text output. Jconsole on linux is quite a bit different, Anyways, after letting the application run for a bit (and still stuck on 16%) the following error comes up:

Oct 17, 2012 2:43:54 AM ClientCommunicatorAdmin Checker-run
WARNING: Failed to check the connection: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

Again, I am so very sorry.


You don't have to apologise profusely to me Michel. I always notice when searching the forum that your posts are the most helpful and it seems you spend a lot of time helping people and answering questions, its much appreciated. As for my troubles with the Isy, perhaps my expectations have increased and surpassed what the model I am using can support. So maybe an upgrade is needed at least to address the wildcard certificate issue, which for me is a big deal and would make life a lot easier if I could use my wildcard certificate.




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I went ahead and added 2GB to my Windows 7 and tired again, no luck. After reading the error again I realized it was something to do with java heap space. I did some googling and reading and ended up adding -Xmx1024m to the java parameters. Note that I know nothing about Java, was just fiddling around to see if it would make a difference.


I then reran dashboard.jnlp and it ate up 510mb of memory. But ran into the same problem after a longer wait looking at the 16% progress mark:


Exception in thread "Thread-11" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


I also tied -Xmx2048 but got the same error. I know these values are probably outrageous, but I wanted to just see if I could get the dashboard to load even if it consumed gb's of memory.



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Hi Simon,


Thanks so very much for your kind words.


1. Yes, upgrading to 994 is as easy as restoring your 99 backup onto 994. If you have any modules on your ISY that need transferred, then simply send the UUID for both of your ISYs (new & old) to sales@universal-devices.com with subject "Transfer modules"


2. Java heap space: this is something I have never seen before. This said, it could be related temporary files space (Java Preferences | Temporary Internet Files | Settings). Dashboard uses a LOT more graphics and perhaps the temp storage is not large enough to hold all of them


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...
2. Java heap space: this is something I have never seen before. This said, it could be related temporary files space (Java Preferences | Temporary Internet Files | Settings). Dashboard uses a LOT more graphics and perhaps the temp storage is not large enough to hold all of them


Hi Michel,


I have tried that more than once with no luck. I just tried it again, clearing the temporary files and then starting the dashboard but I just get the same problem. I even build a fresh VM, fully updated it and then installed Java and tried the dashboard again. It gets stuck in exactly the same spot. At this point I've given up on it as I don't think it has anything to do with my system or Java configuration.



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Is there any chance you can give me remote access to your ISY so that I can test and see where we are crashing? If so, you can change the userid/password to something else and PM me access details. I would sincerely appreciate it.


Sure Michel. I will PM you the details.



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