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Cannot communicate with motion sensor...


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I get this error message every time I log on to the ISY console. It interrupts what I am doing (like replace with) which is very annoying. Can you make it not interrupt the procedure in process?


I changed the battery a few months ago, but continue to get this message. The motion sensor is communicating just fine as every time I enter the dining room the lights come on, then go off after the time out. So there isn't a communication error, yet the ISY continues to think there is.


Any ideas as to what the problem is?


i have other motion sensors with no issues.


Motion sensor is the 2420.

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I've had this problem - much more frequently in the past than now. As Michel says, it just indicates that the MS says it had a comm problem.


But with which particular device(s) is hard to know, unless it is only linked to the ISY. That's one of several reason I almost always use programs rather than scenes for motion sensors. (Updating scenes is another.)


In my case - when it was happening a lot - it was a symptom of a bigger Insteon comm. issue with certain devices and branch circuits. That problem got fixed with a newer rev dual-mode PLM, and then placing that PLM behind a filterlinc so it is forced to use only RF to communicate out. Reliability went back to nearly 100% and I rarely see these MS pop-ups now.


A few things I've found helpful in individual cases when I keep seeing this message for a particular MS:


1) Replace its battery (duh).


2) Do a "restore device" on the MS and also all devices that are linked in scenes to it.


3) If you can, move the MS to a location where the RF has a better shot at any nearby AP or dual-mode device.


Now I did have this as a chronic problem in my kitchen area for a while, where there were a pair of older MSen to cover it. But I simply couldn't figure out what the problem was. Even a factory reset on the MSen and all of the above didn't make any difference.


I finally replaced both with new ones (rev 2 or whatever they are) and there are no problems now. Of course I can't believe both devices failed, but who knows? It was either spend the $70 or the rest of my life trying to figure it out. I opted for the former.

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