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Error...can not resolve local host


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Hi Lake113-


Setp 2 is telling you to edit the file /private/etc/hosts. That is done on the command line with the "nano" editor. After you get your hostname from step #1, type:


sudo nano /private/etc/hosts


You will be prompted for your MAC's admin password. (The same one for your user account likely) - enter that and pres Return


That should look like:

  GNU nano 2.0.6                            File: /private/etc/hosts                                                              

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##       localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost
fe80::1%lo0     localhost


Add a new line above with your hostname:


  GNU nano 2.0.6                            File: /private/etc/hosts                                                              

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##       Xathros-MacBook-Air       localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost
fe80::1%lo0     localhost


As I did above for my MBA - After that, type Ctrl-x Then y then Return


That should do it for you.


Thanks for help...sorry to be so dense;;;I get to enter password....after a warning about use of nano...but then it will not let me enter my password.,,,cursor does not move...so I assume nothing is being entered.


If I drop Sudo I get the code you sent without the password,,,,but can not enter line of code...so I assume not in edit mode.




Password entry at the command line does not show anything as you type. So, when you get there, just type your admin password and press return. Idf correct, the nano editor will open, if wrong, it will say so.




place the cursor on the beginning of the line that reads: localhost


Press Return then move the cursor up to the new blank line and start typing your new data in. Press tab between and your hostname.




OK..thanks...have the new line entered...now what step is next...it says to type ctrl-x y and then hit return... on the same page or what?




Ctrl x says Exit (This means hold down the Ctrl key and press x) You will see a question appear in the bottom section of the terminal.

Y answers the question and says write Changes

Return Accepts the existing filename and writes out the changes and completes the process.


After that, you can quit the terminal and you are all set.




success...thank you much for helping...


No Problem. Always happy to help. Glad we got ya fixed up.



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