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Release 3.3.8 (RC5) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Well it appears that the backlight issue is fixed AND the random buttons turning on with the 2486D (8 button) is also resolved. The "fix" them I had to reset the device and then "restore device" twice. The first time it only seems to load half of the links..they second time they took everything and once again started working properly. Not knowing what you did to fix the backlighting issues...I could only guess that this was oddly related since they both resolved at the same time.


I will continue my testing to see if anything else crops up.


Keep up the good work!

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Well it appears that the backlight issue is fixed AND the random buttons turning on with the 2486D (8 button) is also resolved. The "fix" them I had to reset the device and then "restore device" twice. The first time it only seems to load half of the links..they second time they took everything and once again started working properly.



I would suspect weak communications if it takes more than one attempt to restore the device.



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Well it appears that the backlight issue is fixed AND the random buttons turning on with the 2486D (8 button) is also resolved. The "fix" them I had to reset the device and then "restore device" twice. The first time it only seems to load half of the links..they second time they took everything and once again started working properly.



I would suspect weak communications if it takes more than one attempt to restore the device.





You would think, but even if the device is in the same room (aka wire) I had to do it 2X. Very strange. No noise on the line etc...it is clean...I've never experienced it before. Not to mention that all 3 devices had the exact same symptom and resolution.

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Can you elaborate on your problem when using Java 7 Update 10?

The 3.3.8 jnlp link works fine for me with Java 7 Update 10.

This is with XP Pro SP3 and all patches.




When I bought the ISY several months ago I was having issues with the ISY and it was determined the problem was Java 7. So the guys at UD and others here suggested I go back to Java 6 so I did. While trying to install the file from http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/3.3.8/admin.jnlp it wouldn't install without me updating to Java 7.


Is Java 7 not causing problems like before anymore>

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I updated a 994i/pro to 3.3.7 and now to 3.3.8.

Both had the default /USER/WEB/ files missing (completely empty).

Nothing shows in the Network module web server tab

and I get a missing file error message when I hit the web page with firefox.


Are they supposed to be there by default?

(maybe I loaded them manually before)


BTW, The elk module ssl connection on the 994i/pro works well when I configured it with the certificate as per your instructions

No problems



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I installed 3.3.8 and reactivated two programs I have for setting LED brightness. The LED brightness on the different devices works much better than before but some devices are still turning their loads on to 6% brightness just as with 3.3.6. 6 of 12 2476D v.37, 1 of 7 2476D v.40 and 2 of 8 2477D v.40 turned their loads on in response to LED brightness commands. I'll vary the programs' content and do some testing to see if I can see any particular trend.

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It appears that doing a Restore Device and an Insteon Engine query on the two 2477Ds may have taken care of them. They haven't turned their loads on in response to a LED brightness command since. However, having a program set LED brightness on the 2477Ds causes one of the v.37 2476s to turn its load on. Varying the LED brightness from the Admin Console does not appear to cause any problems.

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Hi tgutwin,


/USER/WEB does not exists unless you have the Network Module.


Are you saying that /USER/WEB became empty after the upgrade?


With kind regards,



I do have the network module.

I do have the /USER/WEB directory

BUT it is completely empty.


I don't remember if there were files in there before the upgrade... its a new 994i.

It is supposed to have the default isyajax files , correct?

They should come as part of the firmware build, don't they?

The admin.jnlp loads OK directly from my local isy994 as does the admin console app.


This is on an 994i that I updated to 3.3.7 and then 3.3.8.

Both builds have no files.


Also Confirmed when I try to visit the isy via it's web port 80 with a web browser.

I get an error.



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I continue to not be able to upgrade a remote ISY-99 from my Mac. This is only if I am remote, local to the ISY it works fine. This has been going on for years now. I have many devices on my network(s) that I update regularly with nary an issue. The ISY is always a problem. Can this be fixed?


This was talked about in this thread (and others): viewtopic.php?f=57&t=4379&hilit=upload+failed&start=15


Also, using CWT on the ISY to set the timeout values does not help. I have tried many values 10000 and above for both http and https to no avail.



These are the error messages I get:





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I have a ISY-994iZ/IR Pro and tried to upgrade from 3.2.6 using the firmware for the Z series and I got an error that it was incorrect. I then tried with the firmware for just the plain 994i and it upgraded successfully. Am I missing any functionality b/c I couldn't upgrade using the Z firmware? Why would it give me that error if I do indeed have a ISY-994iZ/IR Pro?

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Hi tome,


Are you using http or https? Furthermore, we strongly advise against updating ISY remotely.


Hi ellesshoo,


The only difference is how ISY senses whether or not a PLM is attached. If you do have a PLM attached then there's absolutely NO difference between the two. If not, 994i Zx Series will NOT go into safe mode (because it assumes that you might only have Zigbee communications) where as 994i series DOES go into safe mode.


With kind regards,


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After doing a Restore Device on each device in the network there are still 6 devices which switch their loads to 6% and one which switches its load to 50% following a program which sets LED brightness for each device. Everything else with 3.3.8 appears to work perfectly.



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Hi tome,


Are you using http or https?



I am using https to access the remote ISY. Then I just select "Manually Upgrade My Lighting" and select the file on my machine locally. I am completely unable to get it to complete. It gets anywhere from 3% up to 39% done and then fails with the messages above.


Furthermore, we strongly advise against updating ISY remotely.


You shouldn't! You should design the device to be remotely upgradeable reliably. I have many consumer-level devices that I update all the time remotely. Routers, weather stations, file servers, Ecobee thermostats, to name just a a few. They download their images, they verify the integrity of the downloaded file, they do the upgrade and voila. Any device today should be able to be updated remotely. Of course there are risks, but most can be mitigated. I make purchase decisions based on the capability. I will choose a remotely upgradeable product over a product that is either fixed (non-upgradeable) or only locally upgradeable. Just my $0.02.... :)



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Hi Tom,


Thanks so very much for your $0.02 and I do agree generally with the concept - and that's precisely what we do - but I still strongly advise against upgrading your ISY remotely.


As far as you not being able to upgrade remotely, please look at the following things:

1. Your firewall software

2. Router logs (to see if anything is being blocked)

3. If ISY is connected to a switch, try connecting it directly to the router and retry


The best test (if and only if your hosting supports it) would be to try using the remote URL locally and see if you have the same problem. If you don't then the problem is latency and packets being dropped when you are remote.


With kind regards,


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Hi Tom,

As far as you not being able to upgrade remotely, please look at the following things:

1. Your firewall software

2. Router logs (to see if anything is being blocked)

3. If ISY is connected to a switch, try connecting it directly to the router and retry


None of these things apply. There is no firewall turned on, nothing on the router logs out of the ordinary or that would point to packet loss. The ISY is connected directly to the router at this remote site.


The best test (if and only if your hosting supports it) would be to try using the remote URL locally and see if you have the same problem. If you don't then the problem is latency and packets being dropped when you are remote.


I am not local to the site (hence remote) so there is no way to try this until I go there (not for some months probably). The site has great internet access (30+Mbps/6+Mbps) and I am not seeing any latency or dropped packets for any other devices there (or in the router logs).


In addition, as I said in my original email, I have had this problem for years. Sometimes I can get it to work first try, other times if I try many 10's of times over several days. I think I had success when you asked that I increase the timeouts on the ISY using the CWT from the command line the first time years back, but that hasn't ever helped since. I am a network engineer during the day, the issue is not network or firewall related. This is truly a problem with the ISY update mechanism or protocols used. Again, I do not have this problem when updating several other devices at this site. I just updated FW on the router without issue to test it, no problem whatsoever. Tried the ISY again and it failed again....


BTW, is there a way to scp (or ftp) the image to the ISY itself and tell it to load it locally (via command line)?


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Hi Tom,


I appreciate your input and your expertise and no doubt you are a master at what you do. As such you can certainly use your network management expertise and do a traffic capture (Wireshark?) between your computer and ISY during the upgrade process and then send it to us. We'll surely review and try to figure out what's causing your problems.


From ISY's perspective, you should be able to upgrade remotely or locally via http or https.


With kind regards,


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It seems that with the most recent releases, I've experienced a 15 second delay between issuing a command to arm the ELK and the ELK actually responding to the command. This is true whether the command is issued through a program or admin console. I cannot figure out what could be causing this. Has anyone else experienced this delay?

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