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sporadic internet access


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I have no prob on my lan.

I sometimes have prob on wan.


any ideas as to why that might be?

please note, that i do not believe this is a router issue.

I switched out my router to the comcast cable modem (was on fios b4) and i still see the same thing.


i have the router set to port forward on 443 (ssl).


thanks in advance.



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Hi Ron,


Can you please define sporadic? i.e. what's sporadic?


With kind regards,



Sorry. Sometimes i can connect sometimes i can't.

It can fail (404 error) and then 15 minutes later it works perfectly.

i dont think it is my isp or my router, as i have changed both during the time i first noticed this.

Is there any logging of failed connections?

I never checked, because it seems like i am not getting through at all.

In addition, i also was using dyndns and now am no longer do so, as i seem to have a static public address.

i just tried hitting the public ip now (from inside my lan) and chrome reports:

Error 118 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT): The operation timed out.


I then connect via lan ip and it does so immediately.





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Unless you are paying an additional fee for it you do not have a static public IP address. Some ISPs change the public IP address frequently, others keep the same public IP for longer periods of time. My ISP wants $5 a month for a static public IP.


I know, i was surprised, as that used to be the case, but, I have checked this over a period of months and it has never changed.

Even when i reboot the router, i get the same IP!

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Hi Ron,


404 means not found. What port do you use for remote access and are you certain that the same port is not being forwarded to something else?


What do you do to recover? Or, does it recover by itself?


With kind regards,



i dont do anything to recover - that's why i was calling it sporadic, it comes and goes...



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Hi Ron,


This is indeed quite odd. What I am worried about is that perhaps the traffic is going somewhere else. The reason I am saying this is that ISY does not actually return a page with 404 imprinted. ISY returns a page with:

not found.


Is this what you get?


With kind regards,



sorry, it doesnt display 404, it does as you say.

in my defense, i was using 404 as shorthand for not found.

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I just tried it right now and i got the SSL cert error, clicked 'yes' and then got:


This webpage is not available

Google Chrome could not load the webpage because took too long to respond. The website may be down, or you may be experiencing issues with your Internet connection.

Here are some suggestions:

Reload this webpage later.

Check your Internet connection. Restart any router, modem, or other network devices you may be using.

Add Google Chrome as a permitted program in your firewall's or antivirus software's settings. If it is already a permitted program, try deleting it from the list of permitted programs and adding it again.

If you use a proxy server, check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server, adjust your proxy settings: Go to the Chrome menu > Settings > Show advanced settings... > Change proxy settings... > LAN Settings and deselect the "Use a proxy server for your LAN" checkbox.

Error 7 (net::ERR_TIMED_OUT): The operation timed out.

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Tried it again and it opened up fine...

Could it be that i need to increase time out value (via telnet)?


[it is at the default - i havent changed anything via telnet except log size (16m)]


usually once i can remotely access it, i have no probs w/ admin, but today when i tried admin, i got

xml parse error https://my-ip:443/desc


lastly, I do believe that i currently have 'enable internet access' set.

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Hi Ron,


There are two cases here:

1. In one instance, you do actually get to ISY and ISY is responding with a not found error --> what you are looking for is NOT in ISY

2. The other case is that you don't even get connected to ISY


So, which happens more frequently? 1 or 2?


With kind regards,



Actually, i thought i cleared this up, i never get a 'not found'. I only get #2

The odd thing is that sometimes i *only* get the 'unsigned cert' error, in other words, i am connecting to ISY but it seems that the ISY times out.

Is that what you meant by #1, if so, that is pretty rare (maybe once out every 30 times).

I don't think that it is possible that my ISY CPU is maxed out, as i never have a problem connecting to it when i am on my lan.

In addition, i typically only have 1 running task and none of my programs are that complex.

When i am away, I have a timer program that every 15 minutes executes a few tasks.

It turns off all lights (via a scene) and checks for any motion events and sends an email if any were detected. Motion counter is stored in int vars and there are 4 sensors.

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Hi Ron,


Thank you. I do not think at all that ISY is timing out. It could be the connection that's timing out. Does this happen only on your mobile phone or does it also happen when you are remote but in a high bandwidth network (such as office)?


With kind regards,



i have predominantly seen it when i am in the office.

i have a 4g connection, so maybe that is it.

i dont have problems with other sites tho...

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Hi Ron,


Thank you.


Please try the following:

1. Clear your Tools | Error Log

2. Next time when you have this issue, record the date/time

3. Once you get access back to ISY, send me the error log + data/time


At the minimum, we'll know whether or not there were any ISY related errors.


With kind regards,



ok, i will do this.

i think i have tracked down the IR pressed msgs.

they only seem to occur when i have my LED lights on...

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Hi Ron,


Thank you.


Please try the following:

1. Clear your Tools | Error Log

2. Next time when you have this issue, record the date/time

3. Once you get access back to ISY, send me the error log + data/time


At the minimum, we'll know whether or not there were any ISY related errors.


With kind regards,



ok, i will do this.

i think i have tracked down the IR pressed msgs.

they only seem to occur when i have my LED lights on...



i tried again.

both from w/in lan to public address, as well as from my 3g phone (outside of lan)

log is attached.

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Hi Ron,


Thank you.


Please try the following:

1. Clear your Tools | Error Log

2. Next time when you have this issue, record the date/time

3. Once you get access back to ISY, send me the error log + data/time


At the minimum, we'll know whether or not there were any ISY related errors.


With kind regards,



ok, i will do this.

i think i have tracked down the IR pressed msgs.

they only seem to occur when i have my LED lights on...



i tried again.

both from w/in lan to public address, as well as from my 3g phone (outside of lan)

log is attached.

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