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Everything posted by palayman

  1. I see a new programming interface for the google assistant has been announced today. https://developers.google.com/actions/
  2. Native support for multiple households came out about two weeks ago. If you set language to ENGLISH/US you seem to get new features sooner than English/Canada.
  3. Google home has added support for multiple homes. I have an isy in each home connected to my insteon lights. I have mobilinc on each isy. I have one household connected to google home for a while and it works well. Is there a way to connect the second household? Paul
  4. Michel, I have multiple isy accounts (although I have been tracking down another problem with you even today). Issue is I see no way to have google home to add automation from multiple account. Paul
  5. Hi, I have 3 locations and an ISY in each. I also have a couple of Google Home units in each location. I use the same google account all locations. I don't see a way to add more than 1 ISY. Is there? Or do I need to start using separate google accounts for each location? Paul
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