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About tazman

  • Birthday 12/02/1970

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Community Answers

  1. Yesterday their app said they were down for service/improvements.
  2. Well if someone finds this topic in a search I went the route of setting up a bluetooth proxy through ESPhome and got my integration working that needed bluetooth.
  3. When on commands work reliably and off commands do not you need to start looking at the loads that are being turned on for noise issues.
  4. Does anyone know how to pass eisy's Bluetooth functionality on to HA?
  5. You need to select a device in the scene then configure what happens with the other device when it is activated.
  6. You can not control the secondary buttons directly so the fix is to put the button in a scene then you can control the scene in your program.
  7. On eisy 5 button presses reboots the device and 6 button presses shuts down the unit where the light will turn red and you can safely unplug the unit or press the button again to restart.
  8. tazman

    ZEN17 800LR

    I just bought a ZEN17 800LR that I added to my eisy wit Zmatter board on IOX 5.8.4. I set parameters 2&3 to 10 for on/off and set parameters 10&11 to 0 to disable the input triggers for the relays. After Removing the device from eisy and adding it back in all the controls seem to be working fine but after trying 2 times there is only a Binary Sensor made for the first input that normally controls relay 1 but no Binary Sensor created for the second set of inputs. Is this what others are seeing when they separate the inputs from the relays?
  9. tazman

    Works with Vue3 ???

    I have a V3 that works just like the rest. Since the information is being pulled from Emporia I would bet the Plugin does not know the difference.
  10. In your picture you are not showing the left column where you have to select your "Remote button" then select what happens with all the devices in your scene whe that activates the scene.
  11. My keypad buttons showa value of 0 when off and a value of 255 when on in HA.
  12. tazman

    ISY not found

    It's good you got it working! Hopefully a new power supply will get you all fixed.
  13. You select the controller in the list which in my picture is the left circle a keypad button then under the responders you can pick each item and set what you want them to do.
  14. When you trigger from Alexa it uses what is setup for the main scene but like I said you need to pick your controller in the scene and set the desired on level with that controller as shown in my attached picture.
  15. tazman

    ISY not found

    I tried searching for Mele problems which basically what the Eisy is and only found one power button problem. I would connect a monitor to it and see if it displays anything. Unless someone else has an idea you might have to submit a ticket to get help from UDI.
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